高速光谱 - 新的AVANCE NEO
Bruker Avance III HD提供了尖端,经济实验室采用的尖端,复杂的NMR性能。At this year’s 58th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, Bruker announced the release of the AVANCE NEO, the next-generation AVANCE spectrometer that builds on and exceeds the performance of the AVANCE III HD to offer ultra-fast control, greater dynamic range, and enhanced flexibility and scalability.
在本网络研讨会中,您将听到NMR应用程序副总裁Clemens Anklin,并在新Bruker航空斯Neo提供的主要特点,进展和申请培训。
Clemens Anklin.
NMR应用副总裁及培训 - Bruker Biospin - Billerica,
这个网络研讨会将利息研究人员在他们的工作中已经使用了NMR,并希望了解与Bruker的Avance Neo更换或升级他们的仪器的主要优势。