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露水,霜和弄脏对太阳辐射监测的影响 - 以及减轻它的方法

Join this new webinar titled, The Impact of Dew, Frost, and Soiling on Solar Radiation Monitoring – and Ways to Mitigate it.



Luckily, there are ways to deal with this: ventilation and heating.

为了减轻错误的读数,OTT Hydromet提供了其载液计,高尺寸和UV辐射仪的外部通风和加热单元;Kipp&Zonen CVF4。


  • The latest addition to the Kipp & Zonen portfolio, the SMP12 Fast Response Spectrally Flat Class A pyranometer, features integrated dome heating with neither moving parts nor the need for external devices.
  • 根据ISO 9060:2018 International Standard,获得太阳辐射仪器类的概述和详细说明。
  • 发现OTT Hydomet提供的无与伦比的应用程序范围的气象监测解决方案的全面套件,这些应用程序是基于其受人尊敬的全球品牌的经过验证的仪器;Kipp&Zonen,Lufft,Ott等。




In 1980 he moved to Sieger Ltd., England (now Honeywell Analytics) the leading manufacturer of flammable and toxic gas detection systems for Health and Safety markets worldwide. These use a range of electrical, chemical and optical measurement techniques; primarily for the petro-chemical industry. From Production Engineering he shortly moved to R&D in charge of a new range of analysis systems for the emerging urban pollution and process ‘stack’ gas monitoring markets.

1984 saw the world’s first safety-certified, compact, infrared ‘point’ gas monitor, followed by the first ‘no moving parts’ long-range open-path infrared gas monitor. Subsequently, he became the co-designer and joint patent holder for a unique and innovative low-cost, 'no moving parts’ infrared point gas detector. Clive was also involved in producing manuals, overseeing product trials and certifications, training customers and service personnel and introducing new products to the market and distributors.



他的咨询客户之一是代尔夫特(Delft)的Kipp&Zonen,荷兰和克莱夫(Clive)随后于1997年全职加入公司,成为气象和气候学的业务经理,然后成为技术销售与服务经理。25年后,克莱夫(Clive)再次成为Kipp&Zonen的顾问,Kipp&Zonen现在是OTT Hydomet Group的关键成员。

维克多(Victor)是布鲁克黑文国家实验室(1990 - 2008年)的首席气象学家/气候学家,然后于2008年加入Kipp&Zonen,此后从事R&D,销售和营销工作。

Victor has a BS in Atmospheric Science from the State University of New York at Albany, (1990) and a Master's in Business Administration & Marketing (2008).

In 2019, Kipp & Zonen joined OTT HydroMet where Victor continued working in the Meteorology sector by adding the Lufft, OTT, ADCON and Sutron Meteorology sensors.

Who should attend this event?

If you are a Geophysicist, Oceanographer, Climatologist or Meteorologist then this webinar is for you. Book your place below.



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