高级材料如何促进行业的可持续性亚博网站下载 Ania Jolly AZoM speaks with Ania Jolly, Head of Research and Business Engagement at the Henry Royce Institute, about advanced materials progress as well as industry-led initiatives toward sustainable manufacturing.
Brewing Eco-Friendly Biosurfactants with Holiferm Richard Lock 我们与曼彻斯特大学的衍生产品Holiferm进行了交谈,希望以其环保的生物表面活性剂产品旋转回家和个人护理产品绿色。
E-Beam Metal Additive Manufacturing System for 3D Printing 了解有关用于3D打印的JAM-5200EBM电子束金属添加剂制造系统的更多信息。 从JEOL USA, Inc.
轮廓X -500 3D光学考验仪 This product profile outlines the features and benefits of the Contour X - 500 3D Optical Profilometer. 从Bruker Daltonics
哪种合金容易腐蚀,我们如何防止这种合金? Corrosion is the degradation of an alloy caused by its exposure to the environment. Corrosion deterioration of metallic alloys exposed to the atmosphere or other adverse conditions is prevented using a variety of techniques.