Digital Surf成立于1989年,是用于研究实验室,工业和生产环境中的微观和纳米表面计量学创新解决方案的领先提供商。
Worldwide Installed Base
Digital Surf's products are used every day in every geographical zone where instruments measure, analyze and control surface characteristics in the aerospace, automotive, cosmetics, electronics (MEMS/PCB), energy, medical, metallurgy, plastics, printing and semiconductor sectors and many others. They help research laboratories engaged in the development of new advanced materials and manufacturers who are responsible for assuring their functional performance and quality.
Digital Surf的主要重点是与全球表面计量器仪器制造商合作伙伴和共同开发人员合作。我们提供高质量的B2B解决方案,使我们的合作伙伴能够通过优化开发成本,实现更快的营销时间并提高客户满意度来提高业务和盈利能力。
Digital Surf拥有一个独特的多学科团队,其中包括计量,软件工程,应用程序和支持以及技术文档和本地化的技术专家。得益于我们团队对持续创新的奉献精神,MountainsTechnology®始终是第一个具有新应用程序,包括遵守新的ISO 25178标准,真实的子表面分析和表面发展的4D分析。
Active in Standardization
Digital Surf is committed to delivering solutions that conform to the latest standards and incorporate the latest methods. This commitment is reflected in our participation on ISO standards committees and our "Mount Shasta" technical cooperation programme with internationally reputed laboratories.
François Blateyron, COO of Digital Surf, has been involved in the development of surface metrology solutions for almost two decades. An expert on metrology, he has been an active member of French standardization committees and the ISO technical committees (with ISO TC213) responsible for defining the new ISO standards on 3D areal surface texture and new filtration techniques. This made it possible for Mountains Technology® to include the new ISO parameters and filters from the very start and also to gain a lot of experience in this field.