Spectrum Match来自EDAX是一个强大的软件程序,它使用户能够通过自定义构建的频谱库进行搜索以找到相似的频谱。这可以通过将未知数与一组可能的候选者进行比较,并降低发现频谱之间发现差异和相似性的复杂性,从而显着简化了对未知数的识别。
Spectrum Match是一种多功能工具,具有许多应用程序,例如:
- Failure analysis and quality control - Defects can be compared to a library of possible contaminants.
- 过程控制 - 可以通过相位映射和频谱匹配的组合快速识别分布和组成的变化。
- Reverse engineering - Material constituents can be matched against a library of standard components found in the material.
图1。Spectrum matching uses either Chi-Square fit on the spectrum intensities or Chi-Square fit on the concentration results.
Designing a spectrum match library is made easy via the spectrum search utility. The user is able to search the entire database of spectra saved on the system either via manual selection of specific project nodes or by adding filters to identify spectra with the desired characteristics. The filters include:
- Acquisition date
- KV使用了
- Presence of given elements (with range in atomic %, weight % or net intensity)
- 样本名称
- 90钢谱
- 碳钢
- Stainless steels
- 合金钢,NI碱,基于CU的合金
- 工具钢
- 50+ silicates and other geological standard materials