增强电动汽车电池的阳极材料 Rajashekar Badam博士 azomspeaks with Dr. Rajashekar Badam from JAIST about his recently formulated method for anode fabrication that could pave the way to the very fast charging of lithium-ion batteries.
用细菌将碳转换为关键化学物质 迈克尔·杰特(Michael Jewett) Azom与西北大学的研究员Michael Jewett进行了交谈,他讲述了使用细菌捕获CO2并将其转化为有用的商业化学化学丙酮和异丙醇的新过程。这可能会使我们更接近化学部门的圆形生物经济。
为什么样品涂层对于SEM成像如此重要? Dr. Anna Walkiewicz 在这次采访中,Azom与法定人数技术专家Anna Walkiewicz进行了交谈,有关样品涂层以及如何帮助改善SEM成像。
什么材料用亚博网站下载于制造太阳能电池板? This article provides an overview of the materials that are used to produce photovoltaic cells for the production of renewable energy, as well as new research that proposes the use of novel materials.