
最大的已知钻石When choosing a Valentine's Day gift for a wife or girlfriend, you can't go wrong with diamonds. If you really want to impress your favorite lady this Valentine's Day, get her the galaxy's largest diamond. But you'd better carry a deep wallet, because this 10 billion trillion trillion carat monster has a cost that's literally astronomical!

“您需要一个像太阳大小的珠宝商来对这款钻石进行评分!”天文学家Travis Metcalfe说(Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), who leads a team of researchers that discovered the giant gem."Bill Gates and Donald Trump together couldn't begin to afford it."

当被要求估算宇宙珠宝的价值时,哈里·温斯顿公司(Harry Winston Inc."Who knows? It may be a self-deflating prophecy because there is so much of it."He added,"It is definitely too big to wear!"

The newly discovered cosmic diamond is a chunk of crystallized carbon 50 light-years from the Earth in the constellation Centaurus. (A light-year is the distance light travels in a year, or about 6 trillion miles.) It is 2,500 miles across and weighs 5 million trillion trillion pounds, which translates to approximately 10 billion trillion trillion carats, or a one followed by 34 zeros.



巨大的宇宙宝石(技术上称为BPM 37093)实际上是一个结晶的白色矮人。白色矮人是一颗星星的热核,在恒星消耗其核燃料并死亡之后留下。它主要由碳制成,并由薄层的氢气和氦气覆盖。



由梅特卡夫(Metcalfe),蒙哥马利(Montgomery)和安东尼奥·卡纳(Antonio Kanaan)(UFSC巴西)研究的白矮人不仅辐射,而且是和谐的。它像巨大的锣一样响起,经历了不断的搏动。


Our Sun will become a white dwarf when it dies 5 billion years from now. Some two billion years after that, the Sun's ember core will crystallize as well, leaving a giant diamond in the center of our solar system.

For more information on钻石


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