
碳公司- 今天安排了慕尼黑技术大学建立碳纤维和碳纤维复合材料的椅子。主席最初已成立八年,并由SGL集团资助总额为480万欧元。


慕尼黑技术大学是一个国际公认的研究大学,尤其是自然和工程科学的科学和商业世界赢得了良好的声誉。亚博老虎机网登录通过建立这一赞助的主席,SGL集团和图慕尼黑在未来的碳纤维和碳纤维增强复合材料领域奠定了长期跨学科合作的基础。因此,慕尼黑的Garching Research遗址也将受益于“碳复合材料”和“碳复合材料中心”(CFCC)的研究。

基于碳纤维的轻质建筑材料世界市场目前正在极快地发展。亚博网站下载作为世界上唯一八个碳纤维生产商的唯一欧洲制造商,SGL集团进一步扩大其全球地位,具有相当大的投资。As part of the structure of the global business of SGL Group’s "Carbon Fibers & Composites" (CFC) Business Unit, which has production facilities in Scotland and the US, a material future area of focus lies in Germany: in-house production of the polyacrylic nitrile raw material (precursor) for carbon fibers at the Kelheim location near Regensburg, which is critical to success, as well as the ongoing and planned investments in carbon fibers and composites at the Meitingen/Augsburg location. SGL Group has also bundled its global R&D activities at its Meitingen site. Setting up a chair at TU Munich in Bavaria is therefore a key component of the corporate strategy of further expanding the SGL Group's R&D activities as part of the local value chain within the Carbon Fibers & Composites Business Unit.


