国际足联主席约瑟夫·布拉特告诉专文:“地盘在一些体育场馆是一个问题。在竞技场陡峭的座位,太少的空气和阳光。人造草皮已经被使用在瑞士;的未来所在。”FIFA gave the green light for international matches on this surface in the spring of 2004. To this end, the governing body defined Quality Standard FIA 2 Star, a further development of FIFA 1 Star. This new standard reflects players' experiences, medical research and the results of testing by industry. Only artificial turfs that pass the FIFA test can be certified as an official playing surface for national and international competition.
挣扎求生体育场在芬兰赫尔辛基,十场比赛包括2003 U的最后17举行了世界锦标赛,满足国际足联2星标准的要求。事实上,芬兰的体育场是世界上第一个认证到新的国际足联标准。和Colortherm®组件中使用颜色这个“地盘”。The first artificial turf soccer pitch in Germany to pass the FIFA 2 Star field test is a pitch on the training grounds of Borussia Mönchengladbach of the German Bundesliga. The European Championship stadium in Salzburg, Austria, is also covered with artificial turf. It is colored with Colortherm® iron oxide pigments in combination with organic phthalocyanine pigments.