
With climate change intensifying the summer heat, there is a great demand for cooling technologies for buildings. Currently, a team of researchers has used artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced computing technology to engineer a transparent window coating that is capable of lowering thetemperature within buildings without even using a tiny amount of energy.

这部窗户膜(用手指固定在左上方)可以通过允许可见光进入,同时反射隐形红外和紫外线阳光,并散发出热量进入外层空间,从而保持房间的明亮和凉爽。图片来源:改编自ACS Energy Letters 2022,doi:10.1021/acsenergylett.2C01969。

Details of the new window coating have been illustrated in the journalACSEnergy Letters.

Previous studies have shown that cooling is the cause of approximately 15% of energy consumption worldwide. That energy demand can be reduced with a window coating that could obstruct the ultraviolet and near-infrared light of the sun—the constituents of the solar spectrum that normally pass through the glass to heat a room.


但是,开发可以同时匹配这些标准并可以传达可见光的材料,这是一项挑战,这意味着亚博网站下载它们不会阻碍视图。Tengfei Luo,Eungkyu Lee和同事旨在设计一个可以实现这一目标的“透明辐射冷却器”(TRC)。


This computing technique performs optimization quicker and better than standard computers as it can efficiently test all probable combinations within a second. This formed a coating design that, when manufactured, outdid the performance of conventionally engineered TRCs as well as one of the top commercial heat-reduction glasses.


Furthermore, the team’s quantum computing-aided optimization method could be used to engineer other kinds of composite materials.



Kim, S.,et al。((2022) High-Performance Transparent Radiative Cooler Designed by Quantum Computing.ACSEnergy Lettersdoi.org/10.1021/acsenergylett.2C01969


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