
A group of researchers fromRensselaer Polytechnic Institutehas proposed a greener, more effective, and less expensive energy storage solution in response to concerns about lithium-ion battery shortage, exorbitant prices, and safety in relation to long-term use.


Image Credit: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

伦斯勒(Rensselaer)的尼克希尔·科拉特卡(Nikhil Koratkar),约翰·克拉克(John A. Clark)和爱德华·T·克罗斯坦(Edward T.最近出版Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS).

The vast majority of rechargeable battery products are based on lithium-ion technology, which is the gold standard in terms of performance. However, the Achilles’ heel for lithium-ion technology is cost. Lithium is a limited resource on the planet, and its price has increased drastically in recent years. We are working on an inexpensive, abundant, safe, and sustainable battery chemistry that uses calcium ions in an aqueous, water-based electrolyte.

Nikhil Koratkar,John A. Clark和Edward T. Crossan主席,伦斯勒理工学院材料科学与工程学教授亚博网站下载亚博老虎机网登录


They use orthorhombic and trigonal polymorphs of molybdenum vanadium oxide (MoVO) as a host for calcium ions in their effort to develop an aqueous calcium-ion battery.

Koratkar博士说:“The calcium ion is divalent, and hence one ion insertion will deliver two electrons per ion during battery operation. This allows for a highly efficient battery with reduced mass and volume of calcium ions. However, the higher ionic charge and the larger size of calcium ions relative to lithium makes it very challenging to insert calcium ions into the battery electrodes.

We overcome this problem by developing a special class of materials called molybdenum vanadium oxides that contain large hexagonal and heptagonal shaped channels or tunnels that run through the material,” Koratkar博士补充说。


Koratkar博士补充说:“Calcium-ion batteries might one day, in the not-so-distant future, replace lithium-ion technology as the battery chemistry of choice that powers our society。”

这项工作可以导致一类新的高性能基于钙的电池,这些电池使用土壤丰富且安全的材料,因此负担得起且可持续。亚博网站下载这样的电池可以在便携式和消费电子,电动汽车以及网格和可再生能源存储中发现广泛使用,” he concluded.

Journal Reference:

Lakhnot, A. S.,等。(2022) Reversible and rapid calcium intercalation into molybdenum vanadium oxides.美国国家科学院论文集。亚博老虎机网登录doi:10.1073/pnas.2205762119.


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