Engineers atRutgers Universityhave developed a technique for 3D printing large, complicated parts for a tenth of the price of existing approaches. The team published their findings in the journalAdditive Manufacturing.
Parts printed with the MF3 prototype using a 0.4 mm diameter nozzle. Image Credit: Rutgers The State University of New Jersey
We have more tests to run to understand the strength and geometric potential of the parts we can make, but as long as those elements are there, we believe this could be a game changer for the industry.
杰里米·克莱曼(Jeremy Cleeman),罗格斯工程学院的学习首席作者兼研究生研究员
The brand-new technique, known as Multiplexed Fused Filament Fabrication (MF3), employs a single gantry — the movable component of a 3D printer — to print a single item or many pieces concurrently.
Cleeman added, “MF3将改变热塑料打印的方式。”
Although larger-diameter nozzles produce more ridges and curves that must be smoothed down afterward, they are faster than smaller ones. This results in higher post-production expenditures.
Smaller nozzles, however, deposit material with a higher degree of precision, but existing techniques using standard software are too slow to be economically viable.
At the heart of MF3’s innovation is its software. A software tool known as a slicer, which translates an item into the virtual “slices” or layers, is used by engineers to configure a 3D printer.
Rajiv Malhotra,Alex Bogut,Brijesh Mygrolia,Adeline Ripberger,Qingze Zou和路易斯维尔大学的研究人员是研究的合着者。
Journal Reference:
Cleeman, J.,等。(2022)融合细丝制造的可扩展,柔性和弹性并行化:材料挤压添加剂制造中的特有折衷方案。添加剂制造。doi:10.1016/j.addma.2022.102926.