当橙子剥皮时,它们将浓郁的柑橘味油喷射到空中。芬芳的薄雾中的主要化合物是柠檬烯,可以从丢弃的果皮中收集,并用于调味料,香水和通用清洁剂中。现在,在ACS中报道的研究人员Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry已经用电和乙醇处理了柠檬烯,将其转化为令人愉悦的香气化合物的混合物,其中一些以前从未鉴定过。
柠檬烯经常以其原始形式使用,但也可以是其他气味的起始平台。但是,可以执行这种转化的合成氧化技术传统上需要环境有害物质,例如强大的化学物质和重金属。因此,Holger Zorn及其同事测试了一种环境良性氧化方法,将柠檬烯与乙醇混合,并将电流施加到溶液中。
The process generated an amber-colored liquid with a pleasant odor and 17 different compounds that had fruity, herbal, citrus and resinous notes. According to the researchers, this is the first time that most of these compounds have been described. The simple, sustainable method could create valuable aroma compound mixtures for flavorings or fragrances, but the compounds must be evaluated for safety before use in commercial products, the researchers say.
The authors acknowledge funding from Landes-Offensive zur Entwicklung Wissenschaftlich-ökonomischer Exzellenz (LOEWE)-AromaPlus (State Offensive for the Development of Scientific and Economic Excellence).
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