
Researchers have presented a study in the journal水能联系for the structural characterization of the organic compound polymeric chitosan in order to consider its application potential.

Study:来自阿曼虾壳的聚合物壳聚糖和矿物的结构表征。Image Credit:EvergreenPlanet/Shutterstock.com


Chitosan is a polymer, and it is typically characterized by its biocompatibility, biodegradability, and non-toxicity. The objective of the study, published in the journalWater-Energy Nexus,,,,是将优质的壳聚糖聚合物与虾壳废物分离,并通过使用光谱方法来表征它。

Linear chitosan crystalline structure. Image Credit: H. Ali Said Al Hoqani metal., Water-Energy Nexus

Found on the hard outer shells of crustaceans including crab, lobster, and shrimp, chitosan is a sugar that can also find use in agriculture and winemaking. Due to the abundance of shrimp shell waste that piles up year on year, causing environmental disruption and pollution, finding ways of using all parts of the popular shellfish.

Shrimp is regarded as a ‘golden trade’ fisheries product in the Sultanate of Oman. Fresh shrimp and its frozen product are regularly exported all around the world.

EU countries make up the main consumer base of shrimp and shrimp products, which are mainly imported as frozen products without the head and shells. This is because the shrimp shells are removed during processing before being exported.

Therefore, shrimp waste such as shells and heads are being dumped in the open air and back into the sea. As a result, it creates environmental pollution which has effects on human health, creating bad, musty odors and adding to ever-growing landfill sites.

FT-NIR spectrum of the extracted chitosan. Image Credit: H. Ali Said Al Hoqani metal., Water-Energy Nexus

The researchers found that the isolated shrimp shell chitosan differed from that found on other crustaceans:“结果表明,与标准壳聚糖相比,从虾壳中获得的分离的壳聚糖被高度脱乙酰化,并且对于制备商业,工业产品和药物可能很有用,”阿曼尼兹瓦大学副教授穆罕默德·阿姆扎德·霍辛(Mohammed Amzad Hossin)解释说。

In order to characterize the unique properties of the shrimp-derived chitosan, the researchers applied Fourier-Transform Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-NIR) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR).

The team obtained their shrimp samples – around 60 Kg of Omani shrimp - from local markets across three different regions in Sultanate. The shrimp samples were purchased early in the day, morning time. The shrimp were then packed and stored in an icebox and transported to the master lab. The shrimp samples were verified by local people and through the website set up for the study.

通过脱矿化从样品中提取壳聚糖。在用盐酸处理之前,将样品接地至细粉,并在一个小时内用恒定的搅拌过程加热。此阶段完成后,将样品在50的烤箱中干燥oC for an hour.

The shrimp shell waste the team acquired exhibited significant percentages of chemical constituents primarily protein (30-40%), calcium carbonate (30-50%), and chitin (20-30%). There are also several minor chemical constituents that can be found in the waste shells. These chemical constituents can be regarded as primary raw materials for the production of agricultural and pharmaceutical products.

As previously established, once shrimp has been processed in the Omani region, vast amounts of shrimp waste are produced. However, little has been done in way of evaluating whether alternative reuse strategies could reduce the amounts of waste produced.“The literature search showed that there is no previous work on the extraction and characterization of chitosan from the shrimp waste shells in Oman,”霍辛说。


The study shows that rather than adding to the environmental crisis and pollution which negatively impacts both natural and human surroundings, the shrimp cell waste with its unique properties and polymeric chitosan could be used in biomedical applications as well as a useful natural component in agriculture.

1标准壳聚糖的H-NMR光谱。图片来源:H。Ali Say Al Hoqani Metal。,水能Nexus


H. Ali说,Al Hoqani,N。HamedKhalifa Al Shaqsi,M。AmzadHossin,M。AbdullahalSibani,来自阿曼虾壳的聚合物壳聚糖和矿物质的结构表征https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2588912521000242?via%3Dihub

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大卫·J·克罗斯(David J. Cross)

Written by

大卫·J·克罗斯(David J. Cross)




  • APA

    十字架,大卫。((2021, November 24). Omani Shrimp Shells: Sources of Polymeric Chitosan and Minerals. AZoM. Retrieved on January 27, 2023 from //www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsID=57441.

  • MLA

    十字架,大卫。“阿曼虾壳:聚合物壳聚糖和矿物质的来源”。AZoM。27 January 2023. .

  • Chicago

    十字架,大卫。“阿曼虾壳:聚合物壳聚糖和矿物质的来源”。AZoM. //www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsID=57441. (accessed January 27, 2023).

  • Harvard

    十字架,大卫。2021。阿曼虾贝壳:聚合物壳聚糖和矿物质的来源。AZoM, viewed 27 January 2023, //www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsID=57441.


