HORIBA Scientific and Drexel University Present Webinar on Raman Spectroscopy, SERS and TERS: Exploration of MXenes

HORIBA Scientific, a global leader in the production of high-performance spectroscopy systems and solutions, is proud to be hosting a joint webinar with Drexel University on Wednesday, September 22ndfrom 2 PM to 4 PM EDT.

The presentations will be a live 2-hour event, and recorded for on demand viewing.

A.J.的Yury Gogotsi博士Drexel Univ亚博网站下载ersity的Drexel纳米材料研究所和材料科学与工程系将介绍'亚博老虎机网登录The Family of 2D Carbides and Nitrides (MXenes),并将证明,尽管MXENES的结构和化学品种的表征构成了挑战,但MXENES仍表现出各种有吸引力的电子,光学,化学和机械性能。它们具有电化学和化学可调的等离激元性能,带有带间跃迁和等离子体共振峰覆盖了整个紫外线,可见和近红外范围。拉曼光谱分析可以精确控制MXENES中的结构,表面化学,缺陷和应变。

Asia Sarycheva, Phd, a Post-doctoral fellow at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, will present'Raman spectroscopy of 2D transition metal carbides and nitrides (MXenes),' and discuss the first systematic study of Raman spectra of various stoichiometric MXenes and their solid solutions, including the effects of their physical state, composition, surface chemistry, and flake stacking on the vibrational modes. She will show how they have used the knowledge for the quality analysis and in-situ experiments, such as Raman electrochemistry and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS).

The third presentation will be given by Andrey Krayev, AFM and AFM-Raman Product Manager in the United States for HORIBA Scientific, who will discuss'使用AFM和TER的MXENES的全面纳米级成像。' He will demonstrate how topography, surface potential and capacitance information provided by AFM allows observation of nanoscale defects, such as wrinkles and folds, in few-layer MXene sheets or formation of oxides along the edges of the aging sheets. He will also demonstrate how the nanoscale spatial resolution provided by TERS can differentiate the spectral response from said defects and unperturbed areas of MXene crystals.

To read the complete abstract content and the bios for each of the speakers, go to:https://www.horiba.com/en_en/company/events/detail/news/news/9/2021/webinar-raman-spectroscopy-serspopy-sers-sers-sers-sers-sers-and-ter-ter-ter-ter-ter-ter-ters-cepploration-of-mxenes/




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    Horiba Scientific。(2021年9月2日)。Horiba Scientific and Drexel University在拉曼光谱,SERS和TERS:MXENES的探索中进行了网络研讨会。azom。于2023年1月28日从//www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsid=56715检索。

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    Horiba Scientific。"HORIBA Scientific and Drexel University Present Webinar on Raman Spectroscopy, SERS and TERS: Exploration of MXenes".azom。28 January 2023. .

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    Horiba Scientific。"HORIBA Scientific and Drexel University Present Webinar on Raman Spectroscopy, SERS and TERS: Exploration of MXenes". AZoM. //www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsID=56715. (accessed January 28, 2023).

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    Horiba Scientific。2021。HORIBA Scientific and Drexel University Present Webinar on Raman Spectroscopy, SERS and TERS: Exploration of MXenes。Azom,2023年1月28日,https://www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsid=56715。

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