Opening next week as a virtual conference and exhibition, SEMICON Southeast Asia (SEMICON SEA) 2021, the region’s premier event for the global electronics manufacturing and design supply chain, will gather industry experts from around the world for insights into the latest semiconductor ecosystem developments and trends with a focus on 5G, a key industry growth driver.Registration对于活动 - 2021年8月23日至27日 - 开放。
ThemedPowering Innovation – 5G and Beyond,Semicon Sea 2021将强调半导体生态系统实现5G承诺的机会。提供前所未有的网络速度和容量,更高的可靠性和较低的功耗,有望在未来几年重塑医疗保健,农业,移动性,机器人,机器人技术,成像和传感器监控等领域。高级,高性能和可靠的半导体芯片是5G基础设施开发的关键,它将有助于全球未来的物联网(IoT)经济体推动。
“5G has enormous potential to transform economies, businesses and societies,”said Ms. Ng Bee Bee, President of SEMI Southeast Asia.“However, gearing up for 5G hardware and software growth poses many challenges for materials, chip fabs, design, testing and other sectors within the semiconductor supply chain. To help overcome these hurdles, 5G ecosystem leaders and changemakers will share their visions and ways the industry can come together to drive 5G innovation worldwide.”
“我们很高兴今年能接待2021年东南亚的半岛,” said Mr. Terence Gan, Senior Vice President, Semiconductors at the Singapore Economic Development Board.“Singapore plays an important role in the global semiconductor supply chain. Some of the world’s largest semiconductor companies have established their manufacturing and R&D centres here. These companies have been able to tap the strong support of government agencies and the semiconductor ecosystem, and are well-positioned to capture growth opportunities in the sector. SEMICON Southeast Asia provides a platform for global leaders from business and government to come together and collaborate to seize these opportunities。”
半导体行业改变者和Semicon Sea 2021的领导者
新加坡贸易和工业部长Gan Kim Yong先生的嘉宾将于2021年8月23日至25日举行23至25届SEAICON SEA 2021会议。
来自GlobalFoundries,Lam Research,Micron,AEM,Applied Material,Infineon,Infineon,KLA Corporation等半导体强力室的发言人Kulicke & Soffa will offer industry insights during keynotes, panel discussions, presentations and the following technical tracks.
- Track 1: EDA/Chip Manufacturer
- 曲目2:设备/材料app亚博体育/铸造厂
- Track 3: End User/Infrastructure/Telecommunications
- 曲目4:云服务/人工智能(AI)
- Track 5: 5G-Enabled Mobility
Semicon Sea 2021还将在有关东南亚半导体生态系统如何促进商业和投资联盟的圆桌会议上进行公共和私营部门领导人。演讲者将分享有关东南亚各个部门在数字化转型方面的进步以及他们的工作,以进一步发展该地区所有电子产品领域的集体兴趣。
SEMICON SEA 2021 virtual exhibitions, Meet the Experts sessions and Online Business Matching programme will run through 27 August 2021.
Semicon Sea 2021虚拟展览展示了最新的创新和解决方案,将与潜在客户联系起来,以寻求新的商机和合作伙伴关系。在虚拟Sea Sea 2020之后的大众需求之后,在线业务匹配计划将帮助参展商与潜在的技术买家联系,参加专门的一对一会议。
With sustainability a critical business success factor, SEMI Southeast Asia will work closely with companies such as GlobalFoundries, Micron and Soitec to identify solutions partners in order to build a green manufacturing ecosystem as part of the Online Business Matching programme.
Semi东南亚还将在2021年Semicon Sea 2021的三个主要解决方案领域中组织全球基础,Micron和Soitec Green Manufacturing解决方案:节能,节水和废物转移。
Career Opportunities
To grow the semiconductor industry’s talent pool, SEMICON SEA 2021 will also connect job seekers with semiconductor companies for career opportunities.