Scientists Develop a Strategy to Tackle the Challenging Task of Analyzing Material Surfaces and Interfaces

Understanding the physical properties of a materials surface and interface is more challenging than understanding those of its inner bulk. In a recent study, scientists at GIST in Korea report an all-optical approach to analyze the crystallographic structure at the surface and interface of SrRuO3薄膜,一种重要的金属氧化物。他们的策略为研究薄膜的特性提供了一个平台,以解锁各种纳米技术应用。

Image Credit: Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology

The renowned theoretical physicist Wolfgang Pauli once said:God made the bulk; the surface was invented by the devil.“他可能的含义是,材料在其表面上的特性或与其他材料的界面具有挑战性的理解和操纵,尤其是与大块的性质相比。亚博网站下载

现在,随着纳米技术的出现以及薄膜制造业的最新进展,表面和界面属性为工程师前所未有的功能和进行物理研究提供了广阔的操场。因此,要充分利用薄膜s important that we find innovate ways to characterize the crystallographic structures at the surface and interface of relevant materials.

In a recent studypublished inApplied Surface Science,由韩国Gwangju科学技术学院(GIST)副教授Jong Seok Lee领导的科学家团队报告了一种有希望的全光能方法,可以分析材料的散装,界面和表面的晶体结构。亚博网站下载亚博老虎机网登录研究人员采用其策略来研究Srruo的薄膜3,一种有趣的金属氧化物,被广泛用作电极和氧化物工程。这项研究是与首尔国立大学和韩国基础科学研究所合作进行的。亚博老虎机网登录该研究于2021年3月19日在线提供,并于2021年7月1日在《期刊》第553卷中发布。

Our findings may attract much attention in the condensed matter physics community not only for fully unveiling the structural symmetries of one of the most important transition metal oxides but also for providing a useful platform for the structural characterization of the surface and interface of thin films using purely optical techniques.

Gwangju科学技术研究所物理与光子科学系副教授Jong Seok Lee亚博老虎机网登录

所采用的技术称为光学第二谐波生成(SHG)。这是一种非接触式和无损的光学方法,涉及将脉冲激光照射到材料上并测量产生的第二谐波,该谐波的频率是频率的两倍。诀窍是,通过仔细对齐垂直于旋转平台上材料平面的入射激光束,生成的第二个谐波光将揭示有关晶体对称性的信息。通过改变srruo的厚度3samples and their temperature, the scientists could suggest the structural phase diagram of the bulk, surface, and interface of the films.

An important result is that it appears the crystallographic symmetries of the surface and interface, at least in SrRuO3, are closely related to the magnetic state and may even reorient the materialS磁性排序。这为实现多功能设备的途径开辟了可能的途径。正如李教授所解释的那样可以利用界面和表面上的磁性和对称性来设计具有许多自由度或控制参数的超薄纳米版,这对于诸如医疗保健贴剂,超薄量子设备,传感器等的应用将很有用。”

Let us hope this work makes the surface of materials less difficult to investigate and easier to exploit!



Chang Jae Roh1, Jeong Rae Kim2,3,Sungjoon公园2,3,4, Yeong Jae Shin2,3, Bohm-Jung Yang2,3,4,泰赢了2,3,Jong Seok Lee1*


Srruo的表面和界面中的结构对称性演变3thin films


Applied Surface Science






3Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University (SNU)


*通讯作者s email:[email protected]

关于the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)

Gwangju科学技术学院(GIST)是一所面向研亚博老虎机网登录究的大学,位于韩国的Gwangju。它是韩国最负盛名的学校之一,成立于1993年。该大学旨在创造强大的研究环境来刺激科学和技术方面的进步,并促进外国和国内研究计划之间的合作。亚博老虎机网登录带有座右铭,A Proud Creator of Future Science and Technology,” the university has consistently received one of the highest university rankings in Korea.



Jong Seok Lee是GIST物理与光子科学系的副教授。亚博老虎机网登录他的研究小组着重于使用光学技术(例如非线性光学,磁光效应,热光学效应和光泵探针实验)的凝结物质相关物理。在加入GIST之前,Lee教授在日本东京大学和德国Bessy的红外光束线上从事职业生涯。2004年,李教授获得了韩国首尔国立大学物理学博士学位。

Dr. Chang Jae Roh is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Basic Science in Korea. Before moving to his current position, he obtained a PhD in physics from GIST.


