
One of the things the human brain naturally excels at is recognizing all sorts of patterns, such as stripes on zebras, shells of turtles, and even the structure of crystals. Thanks to our progress in math and the natural sciences, we are not limited to just seeing the patterns; we can also understand how t嘿,很容易起源于纯粹的随机性。

The striped pattern found in a monoatomic layer of bismuth is the same as that found in the pigmentation of certain tropical fish. Both are examples of a Turing pattern, order that arises naturally from randomness following a set of dynamic equations. Image Credit: Yuki Fuseya from University of Electro-Communications

具有单个数学解释的不同自然模式的一个显着示例是图灵模式。这些模式在1952年由著名的数学家艾伦·图灵(Alan Turing)构想,作为对一组微分方程的解决方案,这些方程描述了满足一些条件的化学物质的扩散和反应。图灵(Turing)远远超出了纯化学,表明这种方程式在非常精确的程度上解释了斑点,条纹和其他类型的宏观模式在自然界中如何自发地出现。图灵模式在形态发生中也起作用 - 生物体发展其形状的过程。令人惊讶的是,从动物色素沉着的厘米到纯化学系统中的微米,图灵模式背后的基本机制被保存在截然不同的尺度上。这是否意味着在单个原子位置可以在纳米尺度上找到图灵模式?

日本电信大学的副教授Yuki Fuseya最近发现答案是肯定的!Fuseya博士是一位专家(BI)(BI)及其在凝结物理学中的应用,从未想象过使用图灵模式,这些模式主要在数学生物学中进行了研究。然而,在注意到他在双性儿童层中看到的一些神秘的周期性条纹时,福西亚博士得到了他们实际上可能是图丁模式的疯狂想法。经过三年的反复试验,他终于找到了成功!

In a study published in自然物理学,Fuseya博士领导了一支研究团队(包括来自日本北海道大学的Hiroyasu Katsuno,法国PSL研究大学的Kamran Behnia和美国斯坦福大学的Aharon Kapitulnik)发现了混凝土证据,表明Turing模式可以在较小的尺度上显示出来比以前的想法。

The finding of the mysterious Bi stripes was serendipitous; the researchers originally intended to produce a Bi monolayer on a niobium diselenide substrate for studying two-dimensional physical phenomena. What they saw was a pattern of stripes with a period of five atoms, or about 1.7 nm, with Y-shaped junctions. These stripes bore a striking resemblance to those found in some species of tropical fish, which naturally arise as one of Turing patterns. Inspired by this observation, Dr. Fuseya's team studied the Bi monolayer problem in more detail from a theoretical standpoint.

The team developed a mathematical model explaining the underlying physical forces in a way that is consistent with the dynamic diffusion-reaction equations that produce Turing patterns. In this model, the interactions between Bi-Bi pairs, Bi and selenium (Se) pairs, and bond angles in Bi-Bi-Bi triplets were considered. The researchers carried out numerical simulations and verified that the generated patterns accurately resembled the previous experimental findings.

这些前所未有的发现铺平了通往纳米级物理学的新研究方向的道路,该方向可以考虑甚至利用图灵模式。“根据我们的发现,我们可能会去除不良图案并制作出完全平坦的薄膜,这对于纳米电子学至关重要。另一方面,我们可以使用图灵图案作为新设备的构建块来研究未开发的物理区域,”突出显示Fuseya博士。图灵模式的另一个有吸引力的方面是,尽管它们外观,但它们并不是静态的。取而代之的是,它们处于动态平衡状态,这意味着如果损坏,它们可以自己“修复”。"We found that Bi, an inorganic solid, is capable of wound healing just like living creatures. This property could lead to new techniques for producing nanoscale devices by combining diffusion and reaction phenomena,“福西亚博士说。





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