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Infinity XE 60,Scientific的氮气缸的成本效益替代方案

2021年6月1日,Peak Scientific推出了用于分析实验室的无压缩机氮发生器,无限XE 60的最新添加剂。设计为多种应用,用于一系列应用,包括LC-MS,ELSD,样品蒸发,,NMR和FT/MS,Infinity Xe 60以每分钟10-520升的流速提供氮,根据流量,纯度在95-99.5%之间。


Infinity XE 60的智能膜管理(IMM)在节省太空氮解决方案中提供了一种具有成本效益的替代品,可独特地优化空气消耗,降低实验室成本和碳足迹。凭借Peak在天然气生成技术方面的专家知识,他们根据应用程序的需求和外部空气压缩机的类型从外部压缩机中设计了这种新的方式来管理发电机的输入。


Designed to grow with the lab’s gas demands, Infinity XE 60 can have its nitrogen output increased on-site, within the same product footprint up to a maximum of 520 liters per minute. Alternatively, labs can opt for a secondary output of dry air up to 210 liters per minute.

Peak Scientific的产品经理Petra Gierga说,

“Following rigorous testing, we’re delighted to bring the Infinity XE 60 to the market. Building upon the knowledge we’ve gained over the creation of the Infinity series, what really makes this product unique is our innovative Intelligent Membrane Management technology, which can help to reduce cost of ownership and carbon footprint for labs, along with the ability to expand the flow rate of the product quite significantly in the field. Our sales teams can be consulted directly for further information on Infinity XE 60 and to place an order for the generator.”

PEAK Scientific’s Infinity XE 60 comes with a fully comprehensive 2 year warranty subject to meeting the company’s terms of service. For more information on Infinity XE 60, visit


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    峰科学。(2021年6月10日)。Infinity Xe 60,Scientific峰值的氮气气缸的具有成本效益的替代品。Azom。于2022年4月18日从//检索。

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    峰科学。“ Infinity Xe 60,Scientific峰值的氮气气缸替代品具有成本效益的替代品”。AZoM。18 April 2022. .

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    峰科学。“ Infinity Xe 60,Scientific峰值的氮气气缸替代品具有成本效益的替代品”。Azom。//。(2022年4月18日访问)。

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    峰科学。2021.Infinity XE 60,Scientific的氮气缸的成本效益替代方案。AZoM, viewed 18 April 2022, //


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