

“砖块是一种相对便宜且方便的材料,我们可以通过它快速建立保护室,结构,带辐射的物体周围的墙壁,”该项目的科学负责人说,核电站副教授和Urfu Oleg Tashlykov的可再生能源。"The bricks are alloyed with heavy metals - wastes from the metallurgical enterprises. These substances have pronounced radiation-protective properties. Thus, we solve two problems at once. First, by adding crushed absorbers of ionizing radiation to the matrix, in this case from clay, we obtain building materials with the desired protective properties. Secondly, in this way we find a way to utilize industrial waste."

The ultimate goal of scientists is to develop a wide range of materials based not only on clay, but also cement mortars or concrete, artificial polymers with different chemical composition and concentration of absorbing substances. In other words, with specified protective properties that meet specific conditions (isotopic composition of radioactive contamination, types of radiation, etc.) at nuclear power plants, in radioactive waste storage facilities, as well as in medical institutions where diagnostics and treatment are carried out using X-ray equipment and irradiating devices.

“洪斯滕众所周知是防止伽马或X射线辐射的最可靠的保护,但非常昂贵,”核电站和可再生能源的研究工程师研究协会人说,Urfu Karem Makhmud的可再生能源。"Lead is cheaper but toxic. And, besides, it is plastic and in an upright position can slide under its own weight, forming holes in the radiation protection system and reducing its stability. Our materials are optimal in terms of radiation protection efficiency and ease of manufacture, strength, durability, cost. The latter factor is important, since today the contribution of biological protection to the cost of nuclear power facilities reaches 20-30%."

Scientists use high-precision computational codes to create bricks. Also they use for their experimental research the reactor plant of the Institute of Reactor Materials of the State Corporation“ rosatom”(俄罗斯)以及密封材料工厂(俄罗斯)的生产技术。亚博网站下载联合活动的产品引起了核工业的国内外企业的极大关注。有计划进一步研究各种天然物质的机械和辐射保护参数,包括在罗萨托姆(Rosatom)(土耳其,埃及,孟加拉国)的合作伙伴国家中常见的参数,在那里核电站随着俄罗斯专家的参与而建立。




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