
When it comes to fuel cell technology, protons are considered the next big thing. The subatomic exchange generates significant power that challenges modern solid-state fuel cell technology that is currently used to fuel space shuttles.



The findings were published in American Chemical Society’sACS应用材料和界面亚博网站下载journal on April 19th,2021。

Headed by the University of Tokyo in Japan, the researchers targeted a material known as polyoxometalates (POMs), which they had already produced into a composite using compounds and another polymer to give structural stability.

POMs are attractive as building blocks for the design and synthesis of new materials with desirable properties and functions—they can efficiently transport protons, for example, but only at low temperatures and in low humidity. Unfortunately, a huge problem remained to be solved is that our composite decomposed at higher temperatures and humidity

Masahiro Sadakane, Study Author and Professor, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University

To overcome this issue, the team encapsulated positively charged ions in the internal cavities of the material to further modify the composite. To stabilize material conductivity, negatively charged ions, called anions, are balanced by positive ions, called cations.


Our goal is to produce stable high proton-conductive materials. Through fine control of the components, we produced such a material

东京大学艺术与科学学院基础科学学院的研究作者和副教授Sayaka Uchida亚博老虎机网登录

The material continued to show high proton conductivity at 50% humidity and at temperatures of 202.73 °F (368 °K). The team has planned to further boost the stability as well as proton conductivity.

We plan to increase the stability and proton conductivity so that this material can be used as an electrolyte in fuel cells, enhancing their performance. This work could provide guidance for the design of solid-state proton conductors

Masahiro Sadakane, Study Author and Professor, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University

该研究的合着者包括东京大学艺术与科学学院基础科学系的Tsukasa Iwano,Naoki Ogiwara和Masanari Okuno;亚博老虎机网登录来自应用化学系高级科学与工程学系的Kota Shitamatsu在亚博老虎机网登录广岛大学

卡纳泽大学自然科学技术研究生院化学系的Yuji Kikukawa;亚博老虎机网登录名古屋大学科学研究生院Satoru Ikemoto,Sora Shirai和Satoshi Muratsugu;亚博老虎机网登录纽卡斯尔大学自然与环境科学学院化学系的Paul G. Waddell和R. John Errington也是该研究的合着者。亚博老虎机网登录


Journal Reference:

Iwano, T.,。(2021)在preyssler-type多氧计能的基于灯笼离子功能化的基于氢型多氧盐的框架中,通过扩展的氢键网络传导超高质子传导。ACS应用材料和界面亚博网站下载doi.org/10.1021/acsami.1c01752




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