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HoverGuard™ will transform safety and environmental measurement capabilities for operators of millions of kilometers of pipelines traversing the globe.

Pipelines often cross inaccessible terrain to supply industrial and domestic gas. Operators of these networks must ensure the safety, integrity and reliability of their pipelines but accurate detection of odorless and invisible gas leaks can be challenging and expensive. ABB’s latest addition to its ABB Ability™ Mobile Gas Leak Detection System, HoverGuard™, provides the solution by finding leaks faster and more reliably than ever before.




ABB Hoverguard™行动

ABB's comprehensive gas leak detection platform to detect, map and quantify leaks with unprecedented speed, reliability and accuracy throughout the entire natural gas infrastructure, including upstream, midstream, downstream, and gas utilities.

获得专利的腔体增强的激光吸收光谱检测甲烷的灵敏度比常规泄漏检测工具快1000倍和10倍以上。这种敏感性和速度使悬停的守卫能够在40米或更高的高度和大于88 km/h的高度飞行时检测泄漏。通过在低成本商业无人机上运行能够携带有效载荷3公斤的低成本商业无人机,它可以覆盖每分钟增加10-15倍的土地面积。

Discover ABB’s new UAV-based natural gas leak detection solution

“HoverGuard represents an important step-change in gas leak detection and for the environment.” said Doug Baer, Ph.D., ABB Global Product Line Manager of Laser Analyzers. “Previously inspectors had to rely on slow, qualitative, analog sensors or expensive delicate cameras to find leaks. Our groundbreaking solution effectively probes locations otherwise inaccessible by either walking or driving. It will increase safety across the pipeline network whether in remote or urban environments, by detecting and mapping natural gas leaks around hard-to-reach sites such as bridges, areas with right-of-way restrictions or vegetation coverage, gas storage assets and pipelines.”

HoverGuard complements ABB’s existing gas leak detection offering with the vehicle-based MobileGuard™, hand-held MicroGuard™ and stationary EverGuard™ (to be launched later in 2021). They are all designed to operate independently. Combining them provides the most comprehensive platform to detect, map and quantify leaks with unprecedented speed, reliability and accuracy throughout the entire natural gas infrastructure, including upstream, midstream, downstream, and gas utilities.

ABB(ABBN:六个瑞士前任)是一家领先的全球技术公司,为社会和工业的转型提供了充满活力,以实现更具生产力,可持续的未来。通过将软件连接到其电气化,机器人技术,自动化和运动组合,ABB将技术的界限推向了新水平。凭借卓越的历史可以追溯到130多年,ABB的成功受到100多个国家 /地区的大约105,000名才华横溢的员工的驱动


Susannah Bosanquet
Phone: +44 (0)7511 650682 Email:[email protected]

南希·罗切特(Nancy Rochette)
电话:+1 418 877 2944
Email:[email protected]



  • APA

    ABB测量和分析。(2021, April 01). ABB launches world’s fastest, most sensitive drone-based gas leak detection and greenhouse gas measuring system. AZoM. Retrieved on August 08, 2022 from //

  • MLA

    ABB测量和分析。“ ABB推出了世界上最快,最敏感的无人机泄漏检测和温室气体测量系统”。AZoM。2022年8月8日。

  • Chicago

    ABB测量和分析。“ ABB推出了世界上最快,最敏感的无人机泄漏检测和温室气体测量系统”。azom。//。(2022年8月8日访问)。

  • Harvard

    ABB测量和分析。2021。ABB推出了世界上最快,最敏感的基于无人机的气体泄漏检测和温室气体测量系统。AZoM, viewed 08 August 2022, //



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