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Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have studied the properties of mixtures of silicone-coated "magic sand", a popular kid's toy, and normal sand. Silicone-coated sand particles were found to interact with each other only, and not with other sand particles.

The team discovered that adding silicone-coated sand beyond a certain threshold leads to an abrupt change in clustering and rigidity, a simple, useful way to potentially tune the flow of granular materials for industry.



由助理教授玛丽·塔尼(Marie Tani)和东京大都会大学(Tokyo Metropolitan University)的雷伊·库里塔(Rei Kurita)教授领导的团队一直在研究潮湿时沙子会发生什么。众所周知,海滩砂的行为完全不同。干燥时,沙堡的建造将很棘手!这种行为在很大程度上是由于颗粒之间液体的“桥”形成,称为yabo214capillary bridges, strongly tying grains together to form load-bearing structures.

However, homogeneous wet sand is notoriously hard to prepare in the lab; it's hard to mix evenly, and dries very quickly. To overcome this issue, they instead used "magic sand," hydrophobic sand particles coated in silicone oil, commonly available as a kid's toy.

The team found that not only does "magic sand" strongly attract each other via thin strands of oil, but it completely ignores normal sand, simply bumping into it like dry grains. By mixing "magic sand" and normal sand in different ratios, the team could freely study how wet sand behaves down to even the smallest liquid fractions, where only some grains are connected via capillary bridges.

Using three independent methods involving sieving, measuring density and forming stable mounds of sand, they found that the mechanical properties of the mixture changes drastically when the fraction of magic sand to normal sand exceeds 20%.


The team's mixtures also provide a convenient material for industry with mechanical properties that can be easily modified. Importantly, the method provides a new, convenient, accurate and informative way to explore granular physics, and may become the new default for scientists in future investigations.

This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (20K14431, 17H02945, and 20H01874).


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