
Such experiments can be carried out using an in situ nanoindenter placed inside the vacuum chamber of an SEM.

Image Credit: Allectra

Scanning Electron Microscopy (Ernst Ruska, 1986 Nobel Prize) has seen massive growth in both materials and life science over the last few years. On the one hand ease-of-use and slick integration with ancillary techniques has made it the go-to microscope for new material research, whilst new aberration corrected TEM and Cryo-microscopy techniques (Dubochet, Frank, and Henderson, 2017 Nobel Prize) have revolutionised protein characterisation. Virus-research today would probably take ten times as long without this impressive technology.


Recently the ELTE research group at the Department of Materials Physics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary installed a new in situ nanoindenter, using a specially designed Allectra High Vacuum feedthrough plate. The plate was fitted with 5 Sub-D 15 pin feedthroughs, 2 double-sided BNC feedthroughs and a Triaxial feedthrough. By welding the feedthroughs to a single Viton-sealed plate, superior vacuum integrity is assured.

The lead researcher Dr. István Groma said “The research group’s goal is to improve the existing in situ nanomechanical testing methods. Due to the complication of the high time resolution and the low signal to noise ratio it is of utmost importance to use an appropriate data acquisition method. The upgrade of the SEM system attached with the in situ device went ahead smoothly and the technical support provided by Allectra and their Hungarian partners Metlok meant that we were always confident about the signal handling.”

SEM是一个FEI(现为Thermo)量子3D FEG,带有双光束SEM和FIB。



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    Allectra Limited。(2021年3月3日)。Allectra有助于制造适合晚期纳米力学实验的SEM。azom。于2022年4月16日从//检索。

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    Allectra Limited。“ Allectra有助于制造适合晚期纳米力学实验的SEM”。azom. 16 April 2022. .

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    Allectra Limited。“ Allectra有助于制造适合晚期纳米力学实验的SEM”。azom。// (accessed April 16, 2022).

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    Allectra Limited。2021.Allectra有助于制作适合高级纳米力学实验的SEM. AZoM, viewed 16 April 2022, //

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