FEFU Researchers Optimized Technology for High-Speed Synthesis of Optical Ceramics


The researchers have managed to reduce significantly the initial nanopowders consolidation period (10 - 100 times) forming a nanostructure with ensured high optical transparency of the ceramic material. A related article appears in光学材料亚博网站下载



"The affectation of the SPS-technology is ceramics contaminates with carbon-containing impurities from the graphite parts of the set-up during sintering. For example, on carbides basis, new chemical compounds can form in the glassy and/or crystalline state, gas impurities, etc.

Unwanted inclusions can dramatically reduce the transparency of optical materials and lead to the degradation of their mechanical characteristics. Our main task was to minimize or completely eliminate the formation of such impurities",explains Anastasia Vornovskikh, junior researcher at the Advanced Ceramic Materials REC, Polytechnic Institute of Far Eastern Federal University.

Thanks to the SPS method, the total consolidation time for RE3+:YAG optical ceramics has been reduced by a factor of 10 - 100. Due to ultrafast sintering, the nanoscale of the grain structure of ceramics sustained provided their higher transparency in comparison with coarse-grained analogs. Their physical and mechanical properties as hardness, fracture toughness, plasticity, etc., significantly improved.

"In the context of the effect of carbon contamination, the team investigated all key sintering parameters such as heating rate, external pressure, temperature, and duration of sintering/post-annealing for transparency of Nd3+:YAG ceramics. We sew up a detailed sintering map to minimize the negative technological aspect. In general, in the case of suppressing carbon contaminations, the SPS technology acquires many advantages in comparison with conventional sintering technologies,"says Denis Kosyanov, FEFU research team lead, director of the FEFU PI REC for Advanced Ceramic Materials Research.

According to scientist, the most challenging thing turned out to be to determine the boundary parameters of the process where begins the chemical interaction of graphite impurities with the sintered material. Most of the analytical methods failed to apply due to the ultra-low content of these impurities.

Only through a modern high-precision method of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, that is being jointly developed by the teams from FEFU, the Institute of Chemistry (FEB RAS), and the Institute for Single Crystals (NAS of Ukraine), it became possible for the first time to record the initial stage of carbonization during SPS of optical materials, describe its nature and mechanism.

结果,合成了一个实验性的高掺杂4 at%nd3+:yag透明陶瓷。它的剩余孔隙率小于0.02 vol%,在线光透射率约为理论值的87%,平均晶粒尺寸为13.2 GPA的微值接近740 nm。


FEFU的科学家,单晶研究所(NAS乌克兰),化学研究所和自动化与控制过程研究所(FEB RAS),RAS的地球物理调查参与了工作。

Materials with controlled characteristics and providing new physical principles of operation of new generation microelectronics are one of the fastest-growing technological areas in the world and one of the priority areas in the development strategy of FEFU.

The study was supported by RFBR grant No. 18-29-11044 (scientific projects of interdisciplinary fundamental research "Ceramic materials for electronics and medicine").



