
HEP Group再次依靠​​与下巴伐利亚的MSR电子合作。

使用一次能量,两次获利 - 这是热量和功率(CHP)的原理。尽管到目前为止,电力和可用的热量通常是单独产生的,但Cogeneration结合了这些过程 - 结果总体上需要更少的燃料。它的应用为气候保护和资源保护提供了巨大的潜力。增加的使用有助于减少CO2emissions and lowering the demand for primary energy.

Copyright MSR-Electronic GmbH, Methane gas detector PX2

HEP TE-TO Sisak (HEP Group) is a Croatian energy company in the Sisak Moslavina district, south of Zagreb, which has been engaged in the generation, distribution and supply of electricity for more than a century and, for the last decades, in the distribution and supply of thermal energy and natural gas. The entire thermal power plant consists of various production units. The highly efficient combined heat and power unit EL-TO, Unit C, which is powered by natural gas, generates electricity of 235 MW and a thermal output of 50 MWt.


MSR-Electronic develops and produces reliable fixed gas detectors. The permanent monitoring and storage of the measured values serve the primary explosion protection and thus the safety of human life and equipment.


polyxeta®2通过MSR用于ATEX区的PX2气体检测器用于检测甲烷泄漏。带有输出信号的微处理器的气体传感器以及警报和故障继电器(所有SIL2认证)使用红外传感器元件或催化传感器元件(Pellistor)监视可燃气和蒸气的环境空气。模拟信号值(4-20 mA)(例如测量值和警报激活)被发送到DCS(分布式控制系统)。检测器的数字信号被发送到通风柜,以激活其他风扇并关闭空气室。

The 4–20 mA / RS-485 Modbus output signal makes the sensor suitable for connection to the PolyGard®2个来自MSR电子的气体控制器系列,以及来自MSR的其他控制器或自动化设备。作为选择,polyxeta®2sensor is also available with LCD and relay output.



克罗地亚合作伙伴Aurel D.O.O.在燃气轮机附近和最终气体过滤区域安装了甲烷气体探测器。



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    MSR电子GmbH。(2020, June 04). MSR-Electronic Assures Methane Gas Monitoring in an Energy Company in Croatia. AZoM. Retrieved on August 12, 2022 from //

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    MSR电子GmbH。“ MSR电子可确保克罗地亚一家能源公司的甲烷气体监测”。AZoM。2022年8月12日。

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    MSR电子GmbH。“ MSR电子可确保克罗地亚一家能源公司的甲烷气体监测”。AZoM. // (accessed August 12, 2022).

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