Andor推出SONA 4.2B-6

Zebrafish imaged using Sona 4.2B-6, Dragonfly and Leica DMi8 (25x). Sample prepared by Marco Campinho, CCMAR (Centro de Ciencias do Mar / Centre for Marine Sciences) - Universidade do Algarve. Image by Andor Technology.

Andor Technology(Andor)是一家牛津仪器公司,科学成像和光谱解决方案的世界领导者,今天宣布推出Sona 4.2B-6,这是超敏感的反式SONA显微镜相机系列中的新模型。

The Sona 4.2B-6 provides a superbly balanced combination of sensitivity, speed and resolution, making it perfectly suited to the needs of the most challenging microscopy applications. The new camera features a 4.2 Megapixel sensor format with a 6.5 µm pixel size. This format is suited to obtaining maximum resolution from the commonly used 60x and 40x objective lens magnifications.

This complements the existing Sona 4.2B-11 model, with a larger, 32 mm field of view and remains the camera of choice for imaging the largest possible sample area.

The Sona series represents the ultimate in sCMOS sensitivity, meaning signal to noise can be optimized under reduced illumination conditions, thus preserving accurate biology of living cells during extended measurement periods.

SONA 4.2B -6共享许多使现有的SONA模型如此有效的关键功能,即具有95%量子效率的高灵敏度传感器和独家永久真空密封室,市场导致市场导致冷却至-45°C。

Sona 4.2B-6 also features a Low Noise mode that uses correlated multi-sampling to reduce noise while maintaining frame rates and the low exposure times that are vital for studying live cells. Dynamic cellular processes can be captured by the high-speed imaging capabilities – up to an impressive 74 fps for full-range 16-bit images. In addition, class leading linearity and dynamic range means that Sona provides the best available quantitative accuracy. Important for the growing number of applications that use measurements over time or change in fluorescence intensity levels to make determinations on rates, concentrations or spatial position such as FRET, ion signalling, gene expression analysis or localization based super-resolution.

新型SONA 4.2B-6相机提供了灵敏度,速度和分辨率的极佳组合。这使其成为广泛生活科学应用的非常有效且通用的成像解决方案。亚博老虎机网登录传感器格式与现代显微镜非常匹配,并提供了一种简便的方法,可以将较早的SCMOS摄像机升级到最新的检测器技术。Sona的优势敏感性意味着可以降低照明强度和荧光团浓度,并降低暴露,以减少对细胞生理的影响。因此,可以对细胞过程进行更准确的测量。

Dr. Alan Mullan, Product Specialist for Microscopy Cameras, Andor Technology

The development team are proud to seethis new addition to our sCMOS portfolio. This camera represents a culmination of our efforts in integrating a new sensor into our Sona platform. Our cross-functional team always look forward to seeing any advances in science afforded by the use of our cutting edge cameras. No doubt we will see this new camera further advance our customers capabilities and advance scientific research in many fields.

Richard Simms博士,SONA 4.2B-6项目的高级物理学家和技术负责人,Andor Technology



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