一家重点和创新的专业化学公司Clariant今天宣布其位于印度尼西亚Tangerang的MasterBatches工厂已获得印度尼西亚乌拉马理事会(Majelis Ulama Indonesia)的认证,以满足政府清真产品保证的要求。
“By implementing a Halal assurance system and achieving a score of Grade A, products produced locally at our facility in Indonesia are guaranteed to be Halal-compliant,”Clariant MasterBatches印度尼西亚的国家经理Cun Sen解释说。“ Clariant仅使用印尼乌拉马理事会批准的亚博网站下载原材料。”
Certification strengthens Clariant’s capabilities and leadership position as a supplier of high-quality, high-performance color and additive masterbatches in Southeast Asia. Applications supported by the Tangerang site include plastics caps and closures, food tabs and bottles, as well as film and sheet.
“根据Clariant与现有客户的长期合作,我们致力于通过符合世界各地的当地标准来为多元化的市场提供服务,”explains Chris Hansen, Regional Head of Clariant Masterbatches Asia Pacific。“In the case of Halal certification, we are now perfectly prepared to serve our customers in Indonesia and surrounding areas, and this is just the beginning. We certainly intend to transfer this knowledge and to offer Halal-compliant capabilities to other regions.透明
Increasingly, global, regional and local regulations governing the way food, beverage and cosmetic products are made are also being applied to packaging materials that come into contact with those products. This is not limited to end-product or consumer packaging. Even packaging that holds raw materials being delivered to a plant, or packaging used to hold in-process materials or components, must also comply.
“作为拥有相关认证和流程的供应商,我们可以通过遵守相同标准的运营来简化客户及其客户的认证流程,”Cun Sen说。“他们可以肯定,整个价值链将适用于在生产线中使用的程序。”