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Recording of pressure data, or data logging, is increasingly becoming a requirement of many companies. Whether you are testing for long term trends, looking for anomalies, or documenting required tests, having an accurate and reliable pressure recorder is essential.


When combining the intrinsically safe Crystal XP2i digital pressure gauge from AMETEK STC with the optional DataLoggerXP firmware upgrade, an Ultra-Low Power (ULP) feature becomes available. This feature turns the XP2i pressure gauge into the ideal solution for long-term, in the field recording of pressure data.

ULP模式XP2I Datalogger通过将量规放置在读数收集之间的降低功率模式下,可以延长电池寿命。尽管普通的数据记录器在整个录制过程中都在不断为仪表提供动力,但ULP模式在读取之间关闭了量规,除了内部时钟和低功率显示外。这种电池节省的技术极大地延长了电池寿命。

By using the ULP mode and an extended logging interval of one reading every 17 minutes, the XP2i test gauge with the optional DataLoggerXP upgrade will last over one year on just four AA batteries. For users who only need one month of data, the logging interval can be increased to one reading every 2 minutes.

通过结合XP2I数字压力表with the DataLoggerXP users can record 32,000 data points and export the data into an Excel document.

高准确性XP2i pressure gauge易于使用。它包括校准提醒和警报,并具有IP-67额定功能,海洋级外壳(可达最高1米),快速压力安全阀(PSV)模式,自定义工程单元以及无泄漏的晶体压力拟合连接。压力表可用于15,000 psi。

Ametek STC生产和提供校准仪器,用于乔弗拉和水晶品牌下的温度,压力和过程信号。晶体压力表以其准确性,稳定性和可靠性而在全球范围内闻名。了解更多访问


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