Ineos Stylolution宣布,自动赛已经选择了该公司的专业ABS(丙烯腈丁二烯苯乙烯)Novodur®Ultra 4255用于一系列内部和外部高端应用。
Providing High-End Injection Plastic Parts
Autometal, part of CIE Automotive group, has specialized in providing high-end injection plastic parts, electroplated and decorative components to the automotive industry. The company has selected INEOS Styrolution’s Novodur®Ultra 4255 for an exterior application (roof rack cover) and an interior application (speaker grill).
Novodur®Ultra 4255
- Novodur®Ultra 4255is a comparatively new material being in the market for less than three years.
- 它最初是根据汽车行业的规格与各种汽车合作伙伴密切合作开发的。
- 该材料通过在房间以及低温,低温延展性(-30°C时100%延展性),高耐热性和低排放量的结合结合使用。
- 此外,最佳的类流量属性可确保轻松处理。
- 对于自动,Novodur的可油漆性能®Ultra 4255 was one of deciding criteria to select this material for its components. Novodur®Ultra 4255提供了出色的机械性能和易于处理的良好流动性。加上材料的高质量,自动赛体现了可观的成本节省。
- Autometal appreciates INEOS Styrolution as a reliable supplier of high-performance materials.
Paulo Gomes, Executive Sales and Marketing Manager at INEOS Styrolution in Brazil, concludes:“我们很高兴与自动合作。我们渴望为他们提供现有解决方案和未来设计的最佳,最具创新性的材料。”亚博网站下载