Several dozen components will also serve as examples to demonstrate the capabilities of Arburg Plastic Freeforming (APF).
负责Arburg全球自由形式销售的Lukas Pawelczyk表示:“添加剂制造市场正在迅速增长,并提供了一种有趣的生产技术解决方案,以补充注射成型。我们数十年的塑料处理专业知识和我们的两个尺寸的自由形式的200个自由形式200-3X和300-3X,我们为专家和新移民提供了有吸引力的解决方案,可以使用APF流程进行增材生产。”
Original Materials for Medical and Electronic Components
The APF process is ideally suited to the industrial additive manufacturing of functional components. This includes:
- Individual plastic parts for consumer goods,
- 由原始材料制成的备件和亚博网站下载
- 医疗技术植入物
由FDA批准的TPE-S(奖牌主义者MD 12130H)带有硬度32只能在自由形式上处理。
- TCT Asia 2019的机器将使用该材料借助支持材料来生产软医学组件。
- The second 200-3X freeformer will process aerospace-approved PC with flame-proof properties (Lexan 940) for applications in the electronics industry.
A Wide Range for Industrial Additive Manufacturing
With the 200-3X freeformer, featuring two discharge units, Arburg already covers a wide spectrum for industrial additive manufacturing.
- 新的300-3X自由形式甚至能够处理三个组件,因此在具有支持结构的弹性硬/软组合中产生复杂的功能组件。这是行业中日期的独特之处。
- 这对自由形式将证明以可再现的高零件质量生产所需的塑料零件。它们也可以连接到MES,例如Arburg ALS主机计算机系统,并与机器人系统自动化。
This enables integration into IT-networked production lines. If necessary, the relevant process and quality parameters can be traced back to the specific part.
借助300-3x自由式形式,指定为300个平方厘米的可用零件载体表面积。它比200-3x自由形式大50%。“ 3x”是指零件载体在x,y和z方向上移动的三个轴。现在,建筑室为大型小批量和更宽的零件提供了空间,尺寸为234 x 134 x 230毫米。
Trade visitors to TCT Asia 2019 can also gain an impression of the capabilities of the freeformer exhibits based on numerous functional parts. Exhibited parts will include:
- Gripper fingers in hard/soft combinations,
- Cable clips made from PP,
- Transparent test discs made from PMMA and
- Bellows made from elastic TPE
- A very thin and elastic "spider membrane" made of medical TPE-S, screw caps made of PP and
- 由可吸收性PLLA制成的头骨植入物