Inovaxe很高兴宣布计划在2019年1月29日至31日在加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥会议中心举行的2019年IPC Apex Expo展览。Inovaxe团队将展示新的Smart Inomechorical Storage解决方案,以及其在Booth#3417中的新智能SREX固定存储解决方案。
智能的inomenarical存储解决方案旨在存储和管理您所有的库存需求。与Inovaxe Reel存储系统一样,Inmenerical Cart和机架也使用功能强大的Inoauto材料管理系统。该系统允许用户存储和管理装袋零件,JEDEC托盘,PCB等。这种令人兴奋的新产品有两种型号和多种配置。展示的第一个模型是SR140。SR140是一款移动智能手推车,不仅可以支持卷轴,而且现在可以支持托盘,垃圾箱和其他非凝胶零件。这款移动智能手推车最多可容纳7行的卷轴零件或14行非凝胶零件或两者的组合。新的SREX200是一个固定的智能存储系统,可允许所有寻求非元素零件的存储和可追溯性的制造商。在小而紧凑的足迹中,您可以存储和管理多达264个唯一零件号。这可以包括装袋的零件,JEDEC托盘零件,PCB等。 These two new additions to the Inovaxe family of smart storage solutions will allow users to manage every part in their inventory, not just their reel parts.
Additionally, Inovaxe will showcase other InoAuto SMART storage solutions, including reel storage, stencil storage, MSD storage and more. The SMART InoAuto ultra-lean material handling systems enable users to locate parts in less than four seconds and return a part in less than eight seconds. The carts are mobile or fixed, store from 560 reels in 0.23 m2or store 1120 reels in 0.42 m2, and the ROI is less than six months. Inovaxe has provided manufacturers with the capabilities to substantially streamline their material handling systems and achieve the following benefits:
- More than 90 percent labor reduction in pulling kits and returning parts
- More than 90 percent space reduction for storing SMT parts and kits
- Reduction of set up time and increase in machine up time
- Reduction of operator travel time by 60 percent
- 消除用于套件拉和进料器加载操作的纸张
- 大幅提高库存精度而不计数零件
- Substantially reduce errors in the feeder set up operation
- 典型的投资回报率少于三到六个月