



Currently, an international research team has taken a deep look into gold dissolution, particularly how organic thiol-containing compounds help dissolve elemental gold. The fast, selective, and convenient thiol-assisted gold leaching processes have been proposed in their study published in the journalAngewandte Chemie.

Melting is the conventional method used for recycling gold “waste.” Dental gold and jewelry can be recycled about 100%; however, recycling of precious metals in computers, smartphones, and other electronic gadgets is much more difficult, and the recovery quote is even low. Although they are abundant in electronic devices, their relative content is still very low to enable really economical urban mining.

Hydrometallurgical cyanide leaching is the conventional mining method for gold and it produces a large amount of hazardous waste while being comparatively unselective. Many of the latest concepts are based on the complexation of gold in organic solutions as it forms soluble complexes with sulfur-containing reagents. However, the processes must be viable on a large scale and still prevent the formation of hazardous or toxic compounds. Currently, Timo Repo from the University of Helsinki, Finland, and his team have deeply examined the details of selective gold extraction in organic solution. They put forward an efficient gold recovery method from electronic waste using the chemical dimethyl formamide as organic solvent, pyridinethiols and hydrogen peroxide as reagents, and, optionally, elemental sulfur to minimize the reagent load.



通过分析硫醇辅助金溶解的确切机制,研究人员发现了多种含硫的副产物。其中一些似乎对于继续进行氧化反应至关重要,例如S8,一种元素硫的常见形式。这也被证明是一种资产:当外部S8is added, it was possible to reduce the ligand load, according to the authors. Their extraction technique could mark a new beginning for more efficient urban mining.

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