Freeman Technology,位于英国Tewkesbury,制造仪器提供数据,以帮助客户可以最大限度地提高流程和产品理解,加速研发朝向制定和商业化以及支持粉末过程的优化。
“弗里曼技术的收购对微观学的增长是非常战略的,”普雷斯顿·亨德里克斯(Micrositics)总裁普雷斯顿亨德里克斯说。“Not only does it expand our portfolio of products and solutions in high-growth market segments where we are already active and have a large, global base of customers, but Freeman Technology’s strong scientific and applications focus is very much in line with the pre- and post-sales support customers have come to expect from Micromeritics”.
弗里曼技术董事总经理蒂姆弗里曼(Tim Freeman)补充说:“我们对加入势力并成为一个微音乐公司的兴奋,因为他们在互补细分市场,全球市场覆盖范围和基础设施中有渗透,以帮助我们加速我们所建立的增长自1995年以来的业务。“