
Andor Dragonfly Scoops R&D 100奖

从高速共聚焦平台吹入现场的那一刻起,很明显,牛津仪器公司Andor Technology在全球共聚焦显微镜空间内开发了更改游戏的产品。

自1980年代后期出现第一次商业激光扫描共聚焦显微镜以来,共聚焦显微镜一直是生活科学研究与发现的主要停留时间。亚博老虎机网登录With its arrival, Dragonfly challenged the pre-eminence of the established technology by creating a 21st century reinvention of a 90s concept, known as ‘microlens spinning disk confocal’, enabling it to deliver ten times faster imaging, greater sensitivity and gentler specimen excitation, while matching existing resolutions and the capacity to handle thick specimens. In this innovative design, patented illumination, award-winning detectors and new software have been combined to deliver outstanding micro-imaging performance. In January 2018, Dragonfly was recognized by the R&D 100 Awards as one of the most Technologically Significant New Analytical Products of the year.



Andor’s Director of Microscopy Systems, Dr Mark Browne said of the R&D 100, “the award provides recognition for all of the hard work and innovation that has been invested over many years in this field by the exceptional research and development, manufacturing, service and sales teams who have contributed to the development and delivery of Dragonfly. We believe that Dragonfly will continue to contribute to great scientific discoveries with its unique blend of capabilities, delivering high quality data to reveal the complexities of life’s most challenging questions. We are truly grateful to the judges of R&D 100 awards, but most of all we thank the scientists, our customers, whose brilliance, enthusiasm and determination lead the ongoing charge of scientific discovery.”




  • APA

    Andor Technology Ltd ..(2018年3月6日)。Andor Dragonfly Scoops R&D 100奖。azom。于2021年8月20日从//www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsid=48869检索。

  • MLA

    Andor Technology Ltd ..“ Andor Dragonfly Scoops R&D 100奖”。azom。2021年8月20日。

  • 芝加哥

    Andor Technology Ltd ..“ Andor Dragonfly Scoops R&D 100奖”。azom。//www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsid=48869。(2021年8月20日访问)。

  • 哈佛大学

    Andor Technology Ltd .. 2018。Andor Dragonfly Scoops R&D 100奖。Azom,2021年8月20日,https://www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsid=48869。


