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Emo,汉诺威:新的五轴3D光学分析仪来自Sensofar Metrology


Sensofar计量学宣布了其高端非接触式3D表面计量系统(五个轴)的新增加。新的3D光学剖析仪结合了高临界旋转模块和一个高分辨率翻译平台,并结合了高级检查和分析功能。这使自动化的3D表面测量在定义的位置(透视)上结合起来创建完整的3D体积测量值 - 非常适合微加工,增材制造,工具和医疗技术应用。

The new Five Axis also integrates several special acquisition modes designed to complement and exploit the capabilities of the motion system. Manual mode measures individual field-of-views (FOVs) with high-accuracy positioning, while Grid mode can capture individual FOVs at several different (lateral) positions. Finally, 3D mode is an automated procedure using a ‘five multiple recipe’ (5MR) that combines five-axis positions and measurement acquisition to obtain a 3D topography in the STL file format. The STL file format is supported by many 3D software analysis platforms, such as Gom, Polyworks, Kotem and Geomagic.

Drawing on Sensofar’s proprietary ‘3-in-1’ sensor head technology approach, three available measurement technologies provide unequaled versatility across a broad range of scales and structures – focus variation for shape and form, interferometry for sub-nanometric roughness, and confocal for critical dimensions that require high lateral as well as vertical resolution. The new Five Axis system is thus effectively a dedicated solution for comprehensive surface characterization of a sample from different perspectives and for different application needs, including full 3D acquisition.

With the acquisition controlled through Sensofar’s intuitive, user-friendly SensoSCAN interface, an additional advanced analysis module provides the necessary tools for determining form deviation from 3D CAD models, for highlighting test and wear deviations (e.g. for tooling), for reverse engineering applications, as well as measuring critical dimensions (angles, radius, contour), surface texture according ISO 25178 (form and roughness) and volume.

五轴系统将在即将举行的德国汉诺威举行的EMO活动(9月18日至23日,Hall 6 Booth E02)上进行演示。



  • APA

    Sensofar计量学。(2017, September 11). EMO, Hannover: New Five Axis 3D Optical Profiler from Sensofar Metrology. AZoM. Retrieved on June 10, 2022 from //

  • MLA

    Sensofar计量学。“ Emo,汉诺威:Sensofar计量学的新五轴3D光学剖面”。Azom。2022年6月10日。

  • Chicago

    Sensofar计量学。“ Emo,汉诺威:Sensofar计量学的新五轴3D光学剖面”。Azom。//。(2022年6月10日访问)。

  • Harvard

    Sensofar计量学。2017。Emo,汉诺威:新的五轴3D光学分析仪来自Sensofar Metrology。Azom,2022年6月10日,//。


