Freeman Technology是粉末特征专家,将在Powtech#4-547(2017年9月26日至28日)展出。今年,该公司将通过与光流传感器技术制造商Lenterra Inc.的独家合作伙伴关系来展示用于在线,实时过程监视的新技术。Lenterra的阻力流(DFF)和壁剪应力(RealShear™)探针通过光纤提供连续的实时数据,使用户能够评估过程并做出决策,而无需中断操作。
弗里曼技术’s solutions also include the FT4 Powder Rheometer®, a unique and comprehensive powder tester, which uses patented dynamic methodology, automated shear cells (in accordance with ASTM D7891) and a series of bulk property tests to quantify powder behaviour in terms of flow and processability. This is complemented by the new Uniaxial Powder Tester, which provides an accurate and repeatable measure of the uniaxial unconfined yield strength (uUYS) of a powder to assess and rank flowability.
该公司的物质表征解决方案旨在优化流程性能,提高生产率并提高各种领域的质量。整个产品组合将在4 Hall 4 Stand 547的Powtech展出,访客还可以在其中拿起最近发布的应用程序注释“通过测量拖放力流量来进行高剪切湿砂的在线PAT”的副本。