Asynthas announced new inserts for its DrySyn heating blocks enabling scientists to now conduct precise temperature controlled, stirred experiments in 0.5-2ml tapered, 2-5ml and 10-20ml microwave vials.
The DrySyn Parallel Synthesis kit enables clean, safe synthesis without the hazards or problems associated with silicon oil baths or heating mantles. With no messy oil, heat resistant handles, and a wide selection of simple-to-configure reaction inserts - DrySyn is the heating block system of choice for thousands of labs around the world. Offering better heating rates than an oil bath there is no need to change your chemistry either.
有关与Drysyn平行合成套件兼容的全面反应格式范围的更多信息,请访问或访问 +44-1638-781709或接触[email protected]
Asynt是工业和学术界化学家的负担得起产品,消耗品和服务的领先供应商。借助训练有素的化学家的工作人员 - Asynt能够利用这种深入的应用知识,为其DRYSYN加热块,受控实验室反应堆,合成工具,蒸发器,循环器,温度控制系统,真空泵和真空泵和真空泵提供高水平的客户支持实验室安全设备。app亚博体育