
Quantification & Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes

诺瓦分析has published an application note that describes a new method to characterize and quantify Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) in soil samples using Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation coupled with MALS detection (AF4-MALS).

Effective methods to characterise and quantify MWCNTs from soil samples are rare. Quantification, depending on the method used, may be biased by soot particles commonly found in soils and sediments. Differentiating between MWCNTs and soot particles is a big challenge as they are physically and chemically very similar.

The new application note** describes an investigation into how shape could be used as a contrasting parameter for the detection of MWCNTs in pure soot or even soil. In this work the researchers evaluated a shape factor p, derived from AF4-MALS measurements, for its capabilities to detect MWCNTs in such matrices.

本研究中采用的后nova AF2000多量平台使用了独特的跨流场设计,其中样品通过摩尔质量或粒度的动态扩散分开。由于这种设计和没有任何固定相,因此可以在不施加剪切力和分离分子的压力的情况下执行AF2000多槽中的场流分馏。

The AF2000 can be run with different eluents, wide ranging temperature conditions and is widely proven to be the perfect system for running AF4 experiments. Consequently the AF2000 Multiflow is an ideal platform for the characterization of nanoparticles in complex matrices.

为了确定烟灰和土壤样品中MWCNT的流体动力半径(RH),研究人员使用了具有不同认证的乳胶标准的保留时间校准。使用PN3621 21角mals探测器确定回转半径(RG)。申请说明描述了RG和RH值随着时间的流逝的形状因子P的产生如何使MWCNT和烟灰颗粒的分化。yabo214

数据显示了表明形状因子增量如何取决于混合物中MWCNT和烟灰之间的比率。研究人员得出的结论是,用所述方法提取的土壤颗粒在P方面与MWCNT形成鲜yabo214明对比,从而使这些复杂矩阵中的MWCNT进行了具体检测。有关此申请说明的副本,请通过 +44-1885-475007与Postnova Analytics联系或[电子邮件保护]

后诺瓦分析成立于1997年,是针对包括生物制药,聚合物,材料,纳米技术和环境科学在内的市场的发明家和领先的国际田间分馏(FFF)系统供应商。亚博网站下载亚博老虎机网登录Postnova利用其独特和专利的模块化FFF-轻型散射平台,能够为广泛的应用提供高性能解决方案。如今,该公司不断增长的产品组合包括流量FFF,离心FFF,热量FFF,尺寸排除色谱法(SEC),MALS和DLS光散射。Postnova(www.postnova.com) is located and headquartered in Landsberg am Lech (Germany) and has subsidiaries in the USA, UK and Finland. These offices in conjunction with a highly qualified and trained distribution network provides informed local support to customers worldwide.


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    诺瓦分析。(2017, February 14). Quantification & Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes . AZoM. Retrieved on January 09, 2023 from //www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsID=47237.

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    诺瓦分析。“碳纳米管的定量和表征”。azom。09 January 2023. .

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  • 哈佛大学

    诺瓦分析。2017。Quantification & Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes。Azom,2023年1月9日,//www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsid=47237。

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