布鲁克Showcases New Products, Analytical Solutions for Improved Performance at Analytica 2016

本周在Analytica 2016,布鲁克(纳斯达克股票代码:BRKR)正在展示新产品和分析解决方案,以改善制药,工业和应用市场的性能和客户体验。

旨在提高灵敏度,提高特异性和最大化生产率,在Analytica 2016中引入的新型Bruker产品包括:


新的SENTERRA™II是一种易于使用,共聚焦,多激拉曼成像显微镜,具有各种采集模式,以优化速度或空间分辨率。拉曼引擎的Senterra II重新设计以进一步改善光谱分辨率和性能。这Senterra II使用Sure_Cal技术提供拉曼成像和波长校准。电动激光器,光栅,过滤器和光圈等组件允许全自动参数设置。进行操作和绩效资格(OQ/PQ)的自动测试例程是标准配置。这Senterra II完全符合GLP,GMP和21CFRP11法规。

新的S4 TSTAR™总反射X射线荧光(TXRF)光谱仪可以在包括制药,食品和环境测试在内的一系列应用中实现超轨道元素分析。这S4 TStarfeatures up to 3 different excitation modes and a high performance, large area XFlash® silicon drift detector (SDD) to ensure extremely low limits of detection for all elements from sodium to uranium. Compared to ICP or AAS, the TXRF requirements for sample preparation are very modest, which makes theS4 TStara flexible tool for the analysis of a great variety of sample types, including solutions, suspensions, solids, wafers, cell cultures, smears, and thin sections. Equipped with an automatic sample changer for 90 samples, and utilizing internal QA samples to automatically stabilize system parameters, theS4 TStar专为24/7多用户操作而设计。它补充了布鲁克的常规单启示源S2 Picofox™TXRF系统。

新的MALDI PharmaPulse rapifleX解决方案是布鲁克(Bruker)创新产品组合的最新成员,旨在协助制药,生物技术和CRO客户加速药物发现。基于新的10 kHz激光器rapiflex™MALDI-TOF系统,并结合了集成的自动化解决方案,这是使用标准的1,536个微关板,甚至6,144个平板,这是第一个基于质谱的无标签UHT(超高吞吐量筛选)解决方案。这MALDI PharmaPulse rapifleXsolution analyses a 1,536 MTP in < 8 minutes , and due to its extreme robustness it is suitable for primary screens of millions of compounds, with significantly lower cost per sample. Its label-free detection of substrates and products accelerates assay development, reduces complexity of screening, and potentially minimizes artifacts from interferences with the labels used in traditional uHTS technologies.


Based on a collaboration with Unilever, Buker is introducing the new ‘minspec G-Var’ method for fast determination of droplet size distribution in food emulsions. Using Bruker’s Time Domain (TD-)NMRMINISPEC®technology it allows accurate analysis of the droplet size distribution in margarine, low-fat spreads, butter and mayonnaise, as well as in salad dressing and soft cheeses. Moreover, it has the ability to assess individual droplet sizes rather than cluster sizes. In comparison to the former ‘minispec D-Var’ method, the new ‘Minispec g-var’最多4倍,提供可量化液滴阶段的下限,可以测量较小的液滴尺寸,并以最低的每次测量总拥有成本提供最高的精度。

农药屏和Toxscreener 2.1:这se powerful solutions based on Brukers innovative QTOF instruments allow users to easily screen, identify, confirm and quantify hundreds of compounds in a single experiment. With a larger screening database and new software, these solutions produce significantly increased throughput and confidence for routine applications in the food, environmental and forensic markets. The new BrukerTASQ™1.1software (Target Analysis for Screening and Quantitation) is designed to exploit high resolution, accurate-mass data generated by Bruker QTOF mass spectrometers to confidently screen for trace residues in complex matrices.


新的Esprit Qube软件为通过电子显微镜上的电子反向散射系统(EBSD)(EBSD)(EBSD)(EBSD)(EBSD)(EBSD)(EBSD)(EBSD)(EBSD)(EBSD)和/或电子显微镜上获得的数据提供了广泛而强大的工具。是在专用的FIB/SEM仪器中自动获取3D数据集还是使用常规的金理图技术和标准SEM,Esprit Qube’s启用真实的3D数据表示和分析。这有助于从新手到专家的亚博网站下载材料科学家对微观结构参数(例如位错密度和晶界平面以及谷物,包容性和孔隙度指标)的更深刻了解。用于数据过滤,子设定,模拟和可视化的多种选择提供了对材料变形机制的高级3D见解,并启用了晶体可塑性研究。亚博网站下载Esprit Qubecomplements QUANTAX EBSD and EDS for an even more efficient investigation and interpretation of simultaneously acquired EBSD/EDS data.

新的spectra.ementsTM软件套件S2 PUMATMbenchtop EDXRF spectrometer enables users to fully exploit its analytical performance for elemental analysis. With the standardless solution智能定期FPTM,S2 PUMA的应用范围扩展到材料科学研发应用中。亚博老虎机网登录它使用户能够量化不同液体和固体样品(例如金属,陶瓷和油)中的元素浓度。智能定期FP在分析非航型样品时,是工业用户的重要工具。Bruker还发布了新的,即准备分析的解决方案,用于地质,采矿和矿物质,以及水泥定量TM用于建筑材料行业。亚博网站下载这些解决方案符合国际标准,例如用于水泥的ASTM C114。高度分析精度的组合S2 PUMA凭借交钥匙校准软件包,通过更严格的过程控制,可以提高成本效率。

新的Contour CMM维尺寸分析系统是世界上第一个执行同时执行纳米级高度,表面纹理,波浪和形式测量值的非接触式计量系统,以及用于几何尺寸和容忍度的3D坐标测量,所有这些都在一个仪器上。它的Vision Dimensions™软件提供用于天线表征的专有功能,包括用于零件程序的自动化,数百个预设分析和定制报告。Contour CMMperforms rapid, non-contact precision measurements for more stringent metrology in R&D and manufacturing of small structures in precision-machined components across industries from medical and optics to automotive and aerospace.

新的FastScan Pro Industrial AFMdelivers performance previously achievable only by AFM experts in laboratories with the repeatability and reproducibility expected in a production environment. The system integrates Bruker’s proven lowest noise and fast scanning technology to provide the highest throughput without reducing data quality. TheFastScan Pro利用全面的软件自动化,具有直观的配方编写功能,以减少按下按钮操作的复杂例程。凭借其开放访问平台,大或多样本持有人以及众多的易用功能,FastScan Pro提供高性能AFM的力量以满足生产要求。

弗兰克·劳基恩(Frank Laukien)博士,总裁兼首席执行官布鲁克Corporation,评论:

在Analytica 2016上,Bruker继续承诺在适用,高价值分析解决方案和科学工具的应用,制药和工业市场上满足我们全球客户群的需求。


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    布鲁克。(2019, February 08). Bruker Showcases New Products, Analytical Solutions for Improved Performance at Analytica 2016. AZoM. Retrieved on August 08, 2022 from //www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsID=45631.

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    布鲁克。“ Bruker展示了新产品,分析解决方案,以提高2016年Analytica的性能”。azom。2022年8月8日。

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    布鲁克。“ Bruker展示了新产品,分析解决方案,以提高2016年Analytica的性能”。azom。//www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsid=45631。(accessed August 08, 2022).

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    布鲁克。2019.布鲁克Showcases New Products, Analytical Solutions for Improved Performance at Analytica 2016。azom, viewed 08 August 2022, //www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsID=45631.

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