AXTis pleased to announce that they have recently completed the installation of a TESCAN LYRA Focussed Ion Beam/Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB/SEM) at Curtin University in Perth, Australia, as part of the National Resource Sciences Precint’s Advanced Resource Characterisation Facility.
Lyra与高分辨率FIB柱集成了高分辨率Schottky Field Fe-Sem。该系统是该工具的第三代,多年来通过升级从开发中受益匪浅,包括使用户访问最新技术,例如改进的高性能电子设备,以更快的图像获取,超快扫描,并获得静态和动态范围的赔偿以及建筑物的补偿。在用户定义的应用程序的脚本中。所有这些都在市场上保持最佳的价格比率的软件包中。
该系统的一些独特功能包括:同时分析工具的最多数量;完全集成的飞行时间二级离子质谱(TOF SIMS)在澳大利亚是独一无二的;同时使用静态测量模式同时进行EDS和EBSD,从而实现更快的数据采集和3D重建和;完全集成和软件控制的纳米管剂适合原子探针和TEM样品准备。
Prof. Steven Reddy from Curtin University who was key to securing funding and undertaking the instrument selection process said that, "one of the key applications for the LYRA will be sample preparation for our atom probe facility. The Atom Probe in particular is used for ground-breaking geoscience research where it is used for nanoscale characterisation of natural mineral and ore samples for Western Australia's rich mining industry. The LYRA and its precision milling capabilities will help us to quickly and accurately prepare samples so we can zero in on areas of interest and hence spend more time analysing important features."
The LYRA now resides in a laboratory next to its cousins the TIMA (TESCAN Integrated Minerals Analyser) and a TESCAN MIRA, which share the same high resolution electron microscope column. The TIMA is tailored specifically for high throughput automated minerals analysis. All three installations are supported locally by AXT's Perth-based service engineers.
TESCAN SEMs and FIBs are distributed in Australia exclusively by AXT. AXT also offer a range of complimentary technology and other analytical solutions from global manufacturers. For more details visitwww.axt.com.auor contact[email protected]。