Pittcon 2015:Horizo​​n Technology扩展了Drydisk和Drydisk Barrel膜干燥设备的系列

Horizon Technology,很高兴地宣布,在当前的Drydisk和Drydisk Barrel系列中添加了两个新的膜干燥设备。新的DryDisk-R是常规实验室工作中硫酸钠的廉价替代品。“低成本和便利性使其对生产实验室特别有吸引力,”化学研发总监William Jones说。

The in-line phase separation system, WaterTrap, is designed to work with the new SPE-DEX®3100 Oil & Grease System to dry extracts after the solid phase extraction (SPE) disk and prioir to collection, making the process painless.

The DryDisk products are accepted in many environmental methods in place of sodium sulfate.

For additional media information please contact: Zoe Grosser, Ph.D.- Marketing Manager at[电子邮件保护]

ABOUT HORIZON TECHNOLOGY, INC.Horizon Technology, Inc. is a leading global manufacturer of automated sample preparation systems for the analysis of organic compounds and Oil & Grease Testing. Understanding the challenges today's laboratories face, and the importance of the sample preparation step to the overall analytical process, Horizon Technology helps laboratory managers meet their business objectives by increasing sample throughput, reducing operating costs and improving the accuracy and consistency of their data. Horizon Technology, Inc. is headquartered in the United States, with distributors around the world. For more information, visithttp://www.horizo​​ntectinc.com.

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