
图片来源:Shelby Kardell

研究人员University of Missourihave designed anew material that is capable of controlling elastic waveswhich travel through air. This latest breakthrough could provide promising applications in military, medical and imaging fields.


Previously, researchers have used materials such as rubber and metal in order to bend and control waves effectively. Guoliang Huang, along with other researchers at the University of Missouri, developed a single sheet material using steel and lasers to engrave geometric microstructure patterns (chiral) that are irregular to their mirror images.


Guoliang Huang, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in the College of Engineering at University of Missouri


The researchers are planning to introduce elements that can be controlled easily and which could ultimately be used in a wide range of applications and fields.

Huang went on to say:“我们的团队开发了一种材料,如果用于制造新设备,则可以感知声音和弹性波。通过操纵这些波浪为了我们的优势,我们将有能力创造能够极大地使社会受益的材料 - 从弹性披肩等军事增强中进行成像 - 这种可能性确实是无尽的。”亚博网站下载

图片来源:Guoliang Huang

“In its current state, the metal is a passive material, meaning we need to introduce other elements that will help us control the elastic waves we send to it. We're going to make this material much more active by integrating smart materials like microchips that are controllable. This will give us the ability to effectively 'tune in' to any elastic sound or elastic wave frequency and generate the responses we'd like; this manipulation gives us the means to control how it reacts to what's surrounding it,”said Guoliang Huang.

The material could lead to many applications such as in medical and acoustic hearing devices, super-resolution sensors and a ‘super lens’ which could considerably improve super-imaging devices, all due to the possibility of directly focusing elastic waves.

亚历山大·奇尔顿(Alexander Chilton)


亚历山大·奇尔顿(Alexander Chilton)

亚历山大拥有谢菲尔德大学的物理学学士学位。毕业后,他在谢菲尔德(Sheffield)工作了两年,在一家英国一家大型律师事务所工作,然后搬回西北并加入Azonetwork的编辑团队。亚历山大对科学的历史和哲学以及科学传播特别感兴趣。亚博老虎机网登录在工作之外,亚历山大通常可以在演出中找到,录制购物或观看克鲁·亚历山德拉(Crewe Alexandra)试图避免降级到第二联赛。



  • APA

    奇尔顿,亚历山大。(2015, January 26). New Metamaterial Bends and Controls Elastic Waves. AZoM. Retrieved on March 11, 2023 from //www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsID=43194.

  • MLA

    奇尔顿,亚历山大。“新的超材料弯曲并控制弹性波”。Azom。11 March 2023. .

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