
Asylum Research AFMs can characterize a wide variety of polymer properties, including morphology (top-left), modulus (top-right), thermal conductivity (bottom-right), and melt-recrystallization behavior (bottom-left). See the application note for full details.

Oxford Instruments Asylum Research由前NIST研究员Donna Hurley博士撰写的新申请说明“聚合物科学与工程中的AFM申请”。亚博老虎机网登录

聚合物科学家是25年前引入AFM的第一个热情拥抱AFM的小组之一。该申请说明回顾了包括MFP-3D Infinity™(包括MFP-3D Infinity™和Cypher™)的庇护研究下一代AFM的最新进展如何使科学家能够了解更多有关聚合物材料的信息。亚博网站下载

These include new modes to characterize mechanical, electrical, functional and thermal properties as well as the ability the visualize dynamics driven by chemical and thermal stimuli.

“We welcome Dr. Hurley’s outstanding review of polymer applications in AFM,” said Roger Proksch, President of Asylum Research.





Oxford Instruments Asylum Research是用于材料和生物科学研究的原子力显微镜的技术领导者。亚博网站下载亚博老虎机网登录庇护研究AFM用于材料科学,物理,聚合物,化学,摩擦学,生物材料和生物科学中的各种纳米科学应用,包括在能量存储和亚博老虎机网登录发电中的新兴应用,低维材料,,亚博网站下载
and biophysics.

Asylum’s MFP-3D family of AFMs includes four different models that span a wide range of performance, applications, and budgets. The new MFP-3D Infinity is the flagship of the family, offering the highest performance, simplest operation, and widest range of capabilities. The MFP-3D Classic, the original MFP-3D offered for mid-range budgets, provides high performance and versatility that exceeds most AFMs. The MFP-3D Origin is the most affordable model, offering the same performance as the MFP-3D Classic with many accessories and an easy upgrade path to advanced capabilities. Finally, the MFP-3D-BIO integrates with an inverted light microscope to support biological and photonic applications.

Cypher is the highest resolution fast scanning AFM and is available in two configurations, the Cypher S and the Cypher ES Environmental AFM. They provide low-drift closed loop imaging for the most accurate images and measurements possible today, >20X faster imaging with small cantilevers, exceptional ease of use, and integrated thermal, acoustic and vibration control – all in a small footprint. Cypher AFMs routinely achieve higher resolution than other AFMs, as demonstrated by single point atomic defects in crystal lattices and imaging of the DNA double helix. The Cypher ES adds gas and liquid environmental control, temperature control, and enhanced chemical compatibility to the extraordinary performance of the Cypher S.

In addition to the best AFMs, Asylum Research also offers unmatched customer support that is free for the lifetime of the AFM and industry-leading warranties for the lowest cost of ownership of any AFM. Asylum has sales, applications and service staff in offices in the United States, Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, France, China and Taiwan and global distribution.



  • APA

    庇护研究 - 牛津工具公司。(2017年8月1日)。牛津工具庇护研究发布了新的应用:“聚合物科学与工程中的AFM应用”。亚博老虎机网登录Azom。于2022年8月8日从//www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsid=43175检索。

  • MLA

    庇护研究 - 牛津工具公司。“牛津仪器庇护研究发布了新的应用程序:“聚合物科学与工程中的AFM应用”。亚博老虎机网登录Azom。2022年8月8日。

  • 芝加哥

    庇护研究 - 牛津工具公司。“牛津仪器庇护研究发布了新的应用程序:“聚合物科学与工程中的AFM应用”。亚博老虎机网登录Azom。//www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsid=43175。(accessed August 08, 2022).

  • 哈佛大学

    庇护研究 - 牛津工具公司。2017。牛津工具庇护研究发布了新的应用程序:“聚合物科学与工程中的AFM应用”亚博老虎机网登录。Azom, viewed 08 August 2022, //www.washintong.com/news.aspx?newsID=43175.



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