峰科学从2014年9月14日至18日,将参加奥地利萨尔茨堡的ISC 2014会议。
加入Booth S17的Peak Scientific,您将看到其创新的氢,氮和零空气发生器的创新精度线,设计为用于气相色谱系统(GC)系统的模块化专用气体解决方案。Peak的Precision氢系列提供了一种安全,可再生的现场气体解决方案,可提高氦气作为载气的分析速度,从而增加了GC Lab的吞吐量。
The ISC is one of the world’s longest-running chromatography and separation science meeting series originally held in the infancy of GC in 1965. Originally named the “International Symposium on Gas Chromatography”—the ISC has retained its chromatography focus while also expanding to cover many other separation modalities as well as detection methods.