New Webinar on Direct Metal Printing

3D Systems announced today a new webinar titled: Metal Technology, Inc. and English Racing Push the Envelope with Direct Metal Printing from 3D Systems. Scheduled for Tuesday July 22, 2014, at 11:00 am Eastern Daylight Time, the webinar will reveal how technicians from English Racing and engineers from Metal Technology (MTI) rapidly transformed an idea into reality.

They 3D printed it in 17-4 PH Stainless Steel, installed it on the vehicle's engine, and only 3 days later the vehicle was successful in track testing.

英国赛车,总部位于华盛顿州,音乐和种族高性能汽车。该团队的三菱EVO在高RPMS处超过了石油压力限制,这种情况已经破坏了多个引擎。英语赛车的团队有一个工程解决方案,但无法证明一个昂贵且耗时的铸造过程来测试这个想法。相反,他们转向俄勒冈州奥尔巴尼的MTI寻求解决方案。MTI使用3D系统使用其新获得的Prox 300直接金属打印机来打印必要的零件。

"Prior to 3D printed metal components, the costs of designing and fabricating 'one-off' or small lots of parts or components was prohibitive in most cases," said Gary Cosmer, CEO of MTI. "3D printing also opens up a whole new way of engineering components that are lighter and perform better, because there is no limit on complexity. Engineers can design exactly the component they need, without worrying about whether it's possible to manufacture it. The ProX 300 prints parts that are impossible to make any other way."

English Racing had an innovative approach to the problem using a new pulley with a larger diameter, which would turn slower and thereby lower the oil pressure. MTI printed the part in 5 hours, and within 3 days it was installed in the car and running on the test track. 3 months later, the English Racing team put its newly designed oil pump pulley to the test at the Pikes Peak ½ mile top-speed event and achieved 184.9 miles per hour, placing first place in the Sedan Class.

"We had been successfully running the car on the track and we thought we might have a car that would put us in the winner's circle," said Zach, Technician & Tuner for the English Racing Team. "When we got first place in the Sedan Class at 184.9 miles per hour, we were stoked. The re-engineered part, printed quickly and easily in metal, is truly a winner for us."


3D Systems是以3D打印为中心的设计到制造解决方案的领先提供商,包括3D打印机,印刷材料和云,为专业人员和消费者提供按需定制零件,以及包括塑料,金属,陶瓷和食品的材料。亚博网站下载该公司还提供基于3D扫描的集成设计,自由形式建模和检查工具,以及用于个性化手术和特定于患者医疗设备的集成的3D计划和印刷数字线程。它的产品和服务取代和补充了传统方法,并通过直接从数字输入中打印真实零件来减少设计新产品的时间和成本。这些解决方案用于快速设计,创建,交流,原型或生产功能零件和组件,从而赋予客户制造未来的能力。

About Metal Technology (MTI)

具有40多年的经验,应用了创新,专有技术,Metal Technology(MTI)可以使难以在更广泛的应用程序中使用难度更高,多功能性和可靠性。合金包括坦塔木,niobium,锆,钛,钨,镍,inconel,molybdenum和钒。MTI使用专门的添加剂制造,深色,旋转,锻造,加工,EDM和制造方法来根据您的严格规格提供出色的产品。MTI可为离子源组件,目标,无缝坩埚,爆炸性的穿透器,管道和容器以及自定义零件产生组件。访问公司的网站以了解更多信息


  • 3DS invented 3D printing with its Stereolithography (SLA) printer and was the first to commercialize it in 1989.
  • 3DS发明了选择性激光烧结(SLS)印刷,并在1992年首次将其商业化。
  • 3DS发明了3D打印机的颜色喷射打印机(CJP)类,并在1994年首次将基于3D粉末的系统商业化。
  • 3DS发明了多喷打印机(MJP)打印机,并且是1996年第一个商业化的打印机。

Today its comprehensive range of 3D printers is the industry's benchmark for production-grade manufacturing in aerospace, automotive, patient specific medical device and a variety of consumer, electronic and fashion accessories.



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