Michelman是2014年6月18日在俄亥俄州辛辛那提举行的2014年曼尼颁奖典礼上的赢家,并由Cincy Magazine赞助。米歇尔曼(Michelman)的新技术和监管事务总监约翰·霍格尔(John Homoelle)先生在新产品开发/创新类别中接受了该奖项。
该奖项基于米歇尔曼(Michelman)介绍用于食品包装和复合零件制造应用的水基产品家族。使用Dow Chemical许可的技术,Michelman使用水性聚合物开发并引入了一系列新产品,这些产品使用水性聚合物更环保,非易光度,并且可以以较小,更精确的量应用。
Michelmanis a global developer of water-based barrier and functional coatings for flexible film packaging, paperboard, and corrugated cartons; and water-based surface modifiers, additives and polymers for numerous industries including wood and floor care, industrial coatings, inks, fibers, composites, and construction products. Michelman serves its multinational and regional customers with production facilities in the U.S., Europe and Singapore, and a worldwide network of highly trained field technical support personnel.