A consortium of partners will launch the world's first flexible timer based on printed electronics at theidtechex4月1日至2日在柏林印刷电子欧洲活动。
由IDTechex领导,合作伙伴包括消费品公司宝洁公司,印刷逻辑公司,印刷电池供应商Blue Spark Technologies,导电墨水和光子固化设备供应商Novacentrix和Cal Poly,他们在纸质材料上设计和印刷。app亚博体育
Raghu Das, CEO, of technology scouting and events firm IDTechEx, states "We set out to create an integrated, fully functional device that has strong value and need. Involving end user P&G provided valuable insight into consumer requirements, which resulted in specifying and delivering the world's first flexible multi-use timer based on commercially available printed electronics. A timer is one of the basic building blocks that will enable many different products in a modular approach. To reflect that, timers were created for different applications to demonstrate the wide applicability of the device."
The initial production demonstrates how new applications of electronics in novel form factors can be enabled by printed electronics. Follow-on manufacturing is already planned for later this year, including enhancements to the functionality and even greater integration of the printed electronics.
Blue Spark will be present throughout the tradeshow at booth D04.
IDTECHEX将在活动开幕式上发言,并将在整个展览会上在Booth E08举行。
Novacentrix将于4月2日星期三的12:05在会议上发表讲话,并将在整个TradeShow举行,位于Booth A04。
会议和贸易展览会将最终用户与供应商(其中的“拉”和“推”平衡 - 为与会者提供对技术驾驶需求的关键见解,此外还评估了所有关键的启用材料,组件和制造业亚博网站下载过程。探索印刷电子产品的主要最终用户,例如Hasbro,Diageo,Electrolux,Boeing,de la Rue,Abbott Diagnostics,Decathlon和Stora Enso,都会提出他们的需求和程序。
关于PragmatIC Printing Ltd
PragmatIC Printing enables printed electronic logic circuits that introduce intelligence and interactivity into a wide range of products and applications, in form factors that are not possible using silicon chips. PragmatIC's intellectual property covers unique device architectures, process techniques, and circuit designs that enable flexible imprinted logic circuits with compact footprint, high performance and low cost.
PragmatIC Printing operates a pilot line at the UK's National Centre for Printable Electronics, part of the Centre for Process Innovation (CPI). The pilot line supports customer prototyping activities as well as commercial production for deployment of new product concepts. PragmatIC also licenses its technology for higher volume production.
Blue Spark Technologies,Inc。是开发灵活,印刷,“绿色”专有电源解决方案的领导者,用于电池供电的印刷电子系统。该公司于2002年以薄电池技术成立,并获得了Energeizer(Eveready Battery Company)的专利技术和技术领导力。Blue Spark客户包括多个行业的制造商,产品设计师和集成商,包括:交互式包装,RFID,药品,动力智能卡和新颖产品。由蓝色Spark电池提供动力的产品用户效率提高,便利性和便携性,提高安全性,降低制造和组装成本,更高的利润率以及更大的环境责任。
NovaCentrix, based in Austin, Texas, is a leader in printed electronics manufacturing technologies. The state-of-the-art PulseForge® photonic curing tools dry, sinter, and anneal functional inks in milliseconds on low-temperature, flexible substrates such as paper and plastic. The tools process a wide array of metal-based conductive inks, as well as non-metallic and semiconductor inks, and are available with the integrated material and tool simulation package SimPulse™ NovaCentrix also offers high-performance, economical Metalon® conductive inks, including the innovative and award-winning ICI copper-oxide reduction inks which work optimally with PulseForge tools. NovaCentrix also offers printing services with our in-house inkjet, screen ,and flexographic presses.
关于Cal Poly
加州理工大学的印刷电子设备和功能成像计划是在Cal Poly的图形通信部门建立的。该部门成立于1946年,是美国最大,最著名的计划之一。该部门提供图形交流的本科教育,强调技术和设计应用以及它们如何在印刷和非印刷媒体中相交。Cal Poly在印刷电子设备和功能成像中的程序集中在传统和新颖的柔性设备印刷的导电和反应性墨水应用上。这些计划得到了该部门33,000平方英尺现代实验室的赠款,捐赠,设备,用品和软件的行业的强烈支持。app亚博体育拜访我们http://PrintedElectronics.calpoly.edu and http://grc.calpoly.edu。