IBC Advanced Alloys Corp.(“ IBC”或“ Company”)报告说,其全资拥有的子公司IBC Engineered Materiater Corp.(“ IBC-EMC”)已获得洛克希德·马丁(亚博网站下载Lockheed Martin)的投资铸造硬工具合同授予支持其F-35 Lightning II电源靶向系统(EOTS)。
根据合同条款,IBC-EMC将负责设计,制造和实施硬工具,以用作建立过度播放的最终资格过程的一部分®castings as an effective beryllium-aluminum alternative for precision optical components for the F-35 Lightning II.
如前所述,IBC-EMC证明了过度广播的生存能力®castings to improve lead times and affordability of high performance aerospace components made from beryllium aluminum alloys. IBC-EMC has completed several advanced prototype castings and will now use the hard tooling to deliver a first article casting for pre-production approval.
IBC-EMC总裁Ray White说:“ IBC很高兴收到洛克希德·马丁的硬工具合同。”“我们致力于证明过度广播的可行性®castings with a hard tool and to completing the final stages of our materials and processing qualifications."
"It is an honor to be working with Lockheed Martin," said Anthony Dutton, President and CEO of IBC. "Our Company is committed to delivering advanced beryllium aluminum casting solutions, not only for Lockheed Martin and the F-35 Lightning II but also for other aerospace industry initiatives where modulus, weight and cost are critical performance factors."
About IBC Advanced Alloys Corp.
IBC is an integrated manufacturer and distributor of rare metals (beryllium) based alloys and related products serving a variety of industries including nuclear energy, automotive, telecommunications and a range of industrial applications. IBC has 80 employees and is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada with production facilities in Indiana, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Missouri. IBC is creating a dynamic global beryllium and advanced alloys company. IBC's common shares are traded on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "IB" and the OTCQX under the symbol "IAALF".