There is a wide range of metal fasteners commonly available for standard applications, but supposing your application is at very high temperatures or in a highly corrosive environment. Sometimes the more commonly available fasteners are just not up to the job. Step in high-performance refractory metals.好人对于涉及的情况,提供从M3到M6的一系列耐火金属紧固件(螺母,螺栓和垫圈)high temperature,高压,磁性,,,,和恶劣的腐蚀性环境。
目前提供的所有四种金属 - 钨,坦塔勒姆,niobium和molybdenum-均化学惰性,并且具有:
- 高于2400°C以上的熔点
- 在室温下硬度高
- 密度相对较高
- 在非常高的温度下抵抗蠕变变形的稳定性
- Radiation shielding
- Armour
- Atomic reactors
- Jet engine parts
- Gas turbines
- 火箭仪
- 机身系统
- Heat-resisting and combustion equipment
- Chemical processing
- 半导体
- 工业电动机
有关更多信息,请致电+44 1480 424 800与Goodfellow材料专家联系亚博网站下载或[email protected]。